Newest Articles on Klimabedrag

2016-01-05 - 643 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Er vi virkelig ved at være så ekstremt intolerante at klimaskeptikere og nu også den stakkels Lille Havfrue ikke længere kan accepteres af visse medietunge dele af samfundet?
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2015-12-27 - 640 - Carl Friis-hansen
With data from Berkeley I made some graphs with trend lines for some weather stations in Denmark. It is interesting to see that they all show a trend of about 0.36C per century. Wonder where IPCCs about 10 times trend comes from? At a first glance I do not see any terrifying "global" warming in Denmark.
GNU-plot Kastrup Airport station id 154572 temperature trend
GNU-plot Kastrup Airport station id 154572 temperature trend 0.37C/century
GNU-plot Karup Airport station id 154590 temperature trend
GNU-plot Karup Airport station id 154590 temperature trend 0.36C/century
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2015-12-17 - 637 - Carl Friis-Hansen baseret på artikel af Kip Hansen
ocean plastic Plastikkontinentet i Stillehavet fik den kolde sved til at løbe langt ned ad ryggen, da jeg første gang så billeder, der tilsyneladende stammende fra Google Earth, visende tæt pakket plastikaffald på et område på størrelse med et helt kontinent flydende rund i midten af Stillehavet.
Bloggere havde skrevet så intensivt om dette fænomen, så jeg ikke betvivlede rigtigheden af dette flydende plastickontinent, lige til jeg i dag læste en artikel på WUWT med titlen An Ocean of Plastic af Kip Hansen. I Et Ocean af Plasic beskriver Kip klart og tydeligt hvordan også dette er udsprunget af fri fantasi.
Som Kip Hansen skriver: Der er plastik i de store have, da det hænder der fal ... Full Article ...
2015-03-19 - 628 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Hver gang jeg ser naturudsendelser på tysk TV, forarges jeg over den propaganda, der formidles så åbenlyst bevist. De fleste af disse udsendelser stammer fra BBC og er som regel kommenteret af ZDF eller andre tyske TV selskaber. Det lugter langt væk af at der gives statslig støtte til disse udsendelser, hvis de delvis propaganderer for kuldioxid og metan, som skyld i den overdrevne fare for katastrofal global opvarmning.
I dag så jeg "Terra X Expedition Erde", Edu/Science 2008, som handler om de mange betingelser der har skulle opfyldes, for at der er liv på Jorden. I mange henseender var udsendelsen god og jeg antager at stort set alt indholdet er korrekt, når man ser bort fra behandlingen af emnet drivhusgasser. Det absurde var at det blev beskrevet hvordan ilt (O2) er blevet til og har gjort livet på Jorden mulig. Der blev fortalt vidt og bredt om hvor nødvendig og god ilten er og at det er planterne, der giver os denne ilt. I modsætning hertil, blev berette ... Full Article ...
2014-04-20 - 625 - Robert, Ice Age Now

Some chair lifts still buried under “unprecedented” amounts of snow.

A HIGHLAND snowports resort which enjoyed its busiest day in a decade this week has unveiled plans to “ski into summer” if conditions allow.

Earlier in the week Iain Sykes, the founder of Nevis Range Ski Resort claimed that the resort had more snow than ever in the history of skiing there.

The resort has now recorded snow fall for 59 consecutive days.

The snow cover was described as “wall-to-wall”. Average snow depths are thought to be 1.6 metres on the lower slopes, 4.5 metres on the upper slopes, with some deep gully areas estimated as being over 18m (58 ft) deep. (More than 5 stories deep!)

The resort was not even able to operate all of its lifts at the weekend because some lifts are still buried under the unprecedented amounts of snow.

Managing director Marian Austin said: “All of our staff have been working very ha ... Full Article ...
2014-02-07 - 622 - Lord Christopher Monckton

His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales,
Clarence House, London.

Candlemas, 2014

Your Royal Highness’ recent remarks describing those who have scientific and economic reason to question the Establishment opinion on climatic apocalypse in uncomplimentary and unroyal terms as “headless chickens” mark the end of our constitutional monarchy and a return to the direct involvement of the Royal Family, in the Person of our future king, no less, in the cut and thrust of partisan politics. ... Full Article ...
2013-12-31 - 619 - Carl Friis-Hansen

Chris Turney has been been confronted with the irony that they are trapped in so much ice when we have global global warming (except for the last 15 years). One of his explanations are: “There's a misconception here – we are not trapped in new ice that's been created because its cold,” said Turney. “This is very old, thick ice that's been re-mobilised. It was attached to another part of the continent and has broken out and, with the south-easterly winds we've had, has pushed it up against the coast … and pinned us in. The event is likely to be a result of long-term climate change that is happening in this part of the world. When the 120 km-long iceberg, B09B, came through the area a few years ago it knocked the tongue off the nearby Mertz glacier, which itself is 120 km long. The iceberg grounded on the sea bed in Commonwealth Bay causing the sea around it to lock up with ice attached to the continent."

His explanation is probably fine and plausible, but it d ... Full Article ...
2013-11-22 - 615 - Carl Friis-ansen

In an article November 21st 2013 on titled "Russian sperm bank for bears: Surrogate grizzly to carry polar cubs" , the argument for the experiment is "...the polar bear population has been declining dramatically year by year...". WWF is fairly correct though in stating that the world wide population is around 25,000. However, in reality the population world wide has steadily increased from around 5,000 in the 1950's to between 22,600 and 32,000 today. ... Full Article ...
2013-11-14 - 612 - Carl Friis-Hansen

Rusland og mange af de tidligere Sovjetunion lande er sjokkerede over at FN ignorerer enhver form for demokrati og benytter "consensus" i stedet, formodentlig et af de mest absurde ord i forbindelse med Global Opvarmning. Europe vil heller ikke være med til nogen traktat, men har derimod skrevet under på en deklaration, der går ud på at klimapolitikken skal revideres.

Fakta bør ikke komme i vejen for god propaganda, som for eksempel denne journalist under en debat på CNN: Climate Change advocate tells Piers Morgan it’s ‘journalistic malpractice’ to include ‘skeptics’ in the discussion.

Dr. Roy Spencer forsøger at forklare ot den meget omtalte 97% enighed blandt ekspertenerne er meget misvisende. Ja, der 97%, hvis ikke snarere 100%, enighed om at klimaet er blevetvarmere, ikke mindst siden ... Full Article ...
2013-11-07 - 609 - Carl Friis-Hansen

There is much talk about wind mills, solar electric panels, carbon dioxide, and a global body to control us and our energy. President Obama is going to Warsaw in Poland for a more less secret meeting with the UN, bypassing the democratic process, in order to set up a global binding treaty to control the climate, de-industrialize the planet and to reduce world population to about one tenth of what we are today - a la Agenda 21.

So while the greens are making the world a lot less green and sending us way below the living standards of the Dark Ages, let us look at a brighter and much more promising solution to energy, economy and prosperity. In my view, the basis for prosperity and a better world is cheap, clean and plentiful energy. Energy is what made it possible to raise from the Dark Ages and slavery. The venture pretty much started in Great Britain and soon spread all over the now industrialized parts of the world.

Energy has always played the major p ... Full Article ...
2013-09-27 - 606 - Lord Christopher Monckton, WorldNetDaily

Sydney, Australia – It’s official. What I was howled down and banned for telling the recent U.N. climate conference in Doha is true. There has been no global warming for 17 years.

Rajendra Pachauri, the railroad engineer who heads the U.N.’s accident-prone climate panel, the IPCC, recently admitted this fact here in Australia.

The Hadley/CRU temperature record shows no warming for 18 or 19 years. RSS satellites show none for 23 years. Not one computer model predicted that.

Pachauri said the zero trend would have to persist for 30-40 years before it mattered. Scientists disagree. In 2008 the modelers wrote that more than 14 years without global warming would indicate a “discrepancy” between their predictions and reality. By their own criterion, they have grossly, persistently, profitably exaggerated manmade warming.

The 17-year flatline gives Australia’s $180,000-a-year, part-time climate kommissar, Tim Flannery, a problem. In January he crowed that extreme weather like Sydney’s recent heatwave had been predicted for decades.

Skeptics, he wailed, continued to ignore the thousands of hot-weather records tumbling worldwide. Yet without statistically significant warming for nigh on two decades, recent extreme weather cannot be blamed on global warming.

Warming that was predicted yesterday but has not happened for up to 23 years until today cannot have caused yesterday’s “droughts and flooding rains,” now, can it?

Flannery relentlessly gives only one side of the story when it is his duty to give both. He is carefully silent about the thousands of cold-weather records that have also tumbled in recent years – more than 650 this week in the U.S. alone.

The Northern Hemisphere is enduring one of its coldest winters in 100 years. Before the usual suspects try to blame that too on global warming, the IPCC says – unsurprisingly – that warmer weather means less snow.

Sea-ice extent in the Arctic has reached a record high for this time of year, despite a record low last summer. In the Antarctic, sea ice has been increasing for 33 years.

There will be further extreme weather in the coming decades. It will not matter whether the world warms or cools. Extreme weather is not the new normal. It is the old normal – but the new slogan.

The best-kept secret in climate science is that extreme weather, or “tipping points,” will be no likelier if the planet warms than if it cools. For the climate behaves as a chaotic object. What mathematicians call “bifurcations” can occur at any time. ... Full Article ...
2013-08-27 - 603 - Carl Friis-Hansen

For 197 år siden grundlage David Young en formel, der benytter solpletter, månebevægelse og planet stillinger, til at forudsige vejret. Statistisk set siges det at denne almanak er 80% korrekt. Sidste år var den forskudt et par dage. Det er formodentlig lidt den samme teknik, som Piers Corbyn fra England benytter i vore dage med sin simple PC.

Tilbage til den amerikanske "Farmers' Almanac". Caleb Weatherbee, der er prognosticator for publikationen, siger at det skulle blive særdeles koldt i de nordøstlige egne af USA omkring det tidspunkt hvor Super Bowl bliver spillet på MetLife Stadium i Meadowlands i New Jersey. Koldere vinter end normalt for to tredjedele af landet og kraftig snefald for Nidwest, Great Lakes og New England.

Reference: ... Full Article ...
2013-08-22 - 600 - Dr. Tim Ball, August 18 2013,
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) never followed the scientific method. They inferred the hypothesis that an increase in atmospheric CO2 due to human activities would inevitably cause a rise in global temperature. They set out to prove this when they should have tried to disprove it in what Popper calls “falsification.” Over at least the last 15 years global temperature has leveled and declined while CO2 levels continue to increase. What is actually happening is in contradiction to their hypothesis and essentially impossible according to the conclusion in their 2007 Report.

Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic GHG concentrations. It is likely that there has been significant anthropogenic warming over the past 50 years averaged over each continent (except Antarctica).

Despite this on 16 Aug Reuters news agency reported:

“Drafts seen by Reuters of the study by the U.N. panel of experts, due to be published next month, say it is at least 95 percent likely that human activities – chiefly the burning of fossil fuels – are the main cause of warming since the 1950s.”
They’re talking about a change in the next Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) or Assessment Report 5. (AR5). It is significant because it is an increase from the 2007 Fourth Report (FAR) when they were >90 % certain.

If accurate, this claim is made in the face of evidence that their hypothesis is wrong. Perhaps it is explained by the recent comment by a leading member of the IPCC. He effectively said, failed proof of the hypothesis doesn’t matter because,

“Proof is for mathematical theorems and alcoholic beverages. It’s not for science.” ... Full Article ...
2013-08-11 - 597 - Benny Peiser, The Australian
As country after country abandons, curtails or reneges on once-generous support for renewable energy, Europe is beginning to realise that its green energy strategy is dying on the vine. Green dreams are giving way to hard economic realities.

Solar panel
Slowly but gradually, Europe is awakening to a green energy crisis, an economic and political debacle that is entirely self-inflicted.

The mainstream media, which used to encourage the renewables push enthusiastically, is beginning to sober up too. With more and more cracks beginning to appear, many newspapers are returning to their proper role as the fourth estate, exposing the pitfalls of Europe’s green-energy gamble and opening their pages for thorough analysis and debate. Today, European media is full of news and commentary about the problems of an ill-conceived strategy that is becoming increasingly shaky and divisive. ... Full Article ...
2013-07-29 - 594 - Carl Friis-Hansen
As I was reading a new paper published in Quaternary Research about how small changes the Sun's activity may effect weather and climate, a thought hit me. Before I tell about my thought, let me say that scientists in this area will probably laugh and say that this is basic knowledge.   Let us say the Sun changes 1% in total radiance, I would assume one should assume a forcing in temperature range of 1% of the absolute global mean temperature. Let's say the global mean temperature is 15°C or 273+15=288°K. Thus, 1% of 288°K ~ 2.9°C. Long term changes, has to be an integral dependent on the thermal time constant of particular the oceans, less than 2.9°C would give an idea of the negative feed back gain.   That's it, just a thought from a novice within this area.   Update July 31st 2013 - The 0°C to °K value corrected, sorry.   ... Full Article ...
2013-07-17 - 591 - Carl Friis-Hansen
En samling frivillige har nu samlet ca. 500 af de de bedste dokumenter vedrørende energi og elkraft produktion. Hidtil har det været lidt af en jungle, når man ville hente oplysninger om EL-produktion, distribution, forbrug og rationale omkring disse emner, så som miljø påvirkning, økonomi og tekniske detaljer.
Det råder nu bod på. Det er en simpel website med en god inddeling af artikler og dokumenter i de mange forskellige kategorier. Denne site er sat på benene af AWED (Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions) eller på dansk "Alliance med henblik på Kloge Energi Beslutninger".
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2013-06-23 - 588 - Carl Friis-Hansen, Joanne Nova
Danmark formår at få 10% af den elektriske energi fra vindmøller, grundet vores naboers evne til at yde kompensation, når der leveres for meget og for lidt energi fra møllerne. Til trods for dette ideelle arrangement, så får vi alligevel 1,8milliarder kroner mindre ind på national budgettet, end hvis de ansatte i vindmølleindustrien havde været ansat andet steds. Ovenstående kommer fra CEPOS 2009. Yderligere udredning og reference kan ses her... ... Full Article ...
2016-01-03 - 642 - Carl Friis-Hansen baseret på Professor Mike van Biezen december 2015
The Daily Wire gav for nogle dage siden en artikel baseret på Mike van Biezens notater de mest dominerende årsager til at vi bør se mere skeptisk på det vi i almindelighed hører fra de officielle autoriteter inden for klimaforskning og klimapolitik. Nedenfor har jeg lavet en kronologisk oversættelse af disse ti årsager:
Temperatur data fra rundt omkring i verden støtter ikke antagelsen at vore dages temperaturer er unormale. Satellit temperaturdata støtter ikke at temperaturerne stiger kraftigt. Nuværende temperaturer sammenlignes altid med 1980'ne, men for mange dele af verden var 1980'ne det koldeste årti. Verden oplevede en betydelig køletendens mellem 1940 og 1980. Bymæssig opvarmning spolerer temperaturdata for et betydeligt antal vejrstationer. Der er et årligt modsat forhold mellem atmosfærisk CO2 og gl ... Full Article ...

2015-12-21 - 639 -
2015-12-15 - 636 - Carl Friis-Hansen
NCDC NOAA Yearly Mean Temperature Anomalies GNU Plot 1901-2012 with trend line A few days ago I generated a new graph from the terrestrial NCDC/NOAA dataset. The trend from 1880 till 2015 is 0.57°C/century. The Paris Accord/Agreement aim at forestalling 1.5°C in less than a century. We all knows where the UN's assumption of more than 1.5°C/century, without negating prosperity, comes from, namely the formulas in the big computers.
The trend of 0.57°C is, according to many scientists, likely to go negative in a few decades from now. This makes the UN-IPCC predictions even more unrealistic, not to say immature crap. Add to that, that in this plot to the right, we are recovering from the Little Ice Age. ... Full Article ...
2015-03-17 - 627 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Der er nu gået et år siden afstemningen på halvøen Crimea fandt sted. For et år siden stemte et overvejende flertal for genforening med Rusland. Årsagen til at denne afstemning overhovedet fandt sted, var den voksende Neo-fascisme og en ny lov, som forbød blandt andet andre sprog, så som russisk. Hovedparten, 58%, af befolkningen i Crimea området er af russisk afstamning og folket her taler overvejende russisk.
I den vestlige presse blev valgprocessen portretteret som et russisk kup og den amerikanske regering satte et antal milliarder dollar af til omstyrte regeringen i Ukraine og styrkede fascismen yderligere, så ca. 21% af regeringen i Ukraine er Neo-fascistiske eller Neo-nazi.
En yderligere torn i øjnene på den russiske befolkning i Crimea, er at NATO er rykket længere og længere mod de russiske grænser, til trods for at NATO, da pakten dannedes, lovede ikke at udvide mod øst.
Se tekst og billeder fra ... Full Article ...
2014-04-20 - 624 - Carl Friis-Hansen

Jeg får nok skyld for at vende op og ned på alting, måske er noget af det skudt ved siden af, so be it. Det vigtigste for mig er at så mange som muligt gør en egentlig indsats for at se kritisk på hvad der sker i verden for øjeblikket.

USAs militær forbereder væbnet konflikt, også kaldet krig, ifølge pensioneret Admiral David Titley.
Medierne gør stadig et større nummer ud klimadebatten, end af de mange konflikter som USA har eskaleret gennem Bush tiderne og specielt under Obama administrationen.

Der er mange paralleller til optakten til Anden Verdenskrig, hvor fascisterne tog magten gennem propaganda og overgreb, økonomien gik til bunds på grund af bland andet bankerne og eskalerende konflikter.

Propagandaen, som benyttes denne gang, er i stort omfang klimadebatten. Til trods for at vi ikke har haft nogen målelig global opvarmning de sidste ca. 17 år, så kan vi næste ... Full Article ...
2014-01-30 - 621 -

An estimated 2,500 demonstrators braved the cold and snow yesterday evening was protesting against the pending partial sale of state-owned energy provider DONG (Danish Oil and Natural Gas) to US investment firm Goldman Sachs.

Parliament's Finance Committee is set to vote on the controversial deal today. If it pass, Goldman Sachs will take a 19 percent stake in DONG at a cost of eight billion kroner or USD 1,500,000,000.

READ MORE: Goldman Sachs wasn't highest DONG bidder

An online petition against the Goldman Sachs deal has reached over 190,000 signatures. The sale is expected to pass, but all eyes politically will be on Socialistisk Folkeparti. The party is meeting tonight about the DONG deal and some within the party are ... Full Article ...
2013-12-29 - 618 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Sidste opdatering 2014-01-03

Krydstogtskibet Akademik Shokalskiy, som skulle vise resultatet af Global Opvarmning for skatteborgernes penge, har nu siddet fast i 3 meter tyk havis siden mandag den 23. december. Flere isbrydere er på vej til at hjælpe; men den nærmeste isbryder, den kinesiske Xue Long eller Snedrage, sidder nu også fast 6 sømil fra Akademik Shokalskiy og 1500 sømil syd for Hobart. En fransk isbryder, som er 14 sømil fra den kinesiske, er også på vej; men ifølge officererne på den kinesiske isbryder, er der lille sandsynlighed for at den kan nå fem.

Akademik Shokalskiy
Arkivfoto - Der er 48 passagerer og 20 besætningmedlemmer ombord på Akademik Shokalskiy.

Til trods for at det er forår på den sydlige halvkugle, så er det de sidste år blevet koldere på Antarktis og dette kombineret med en pludselig koldfront, har medført usædvanlig tyk is langt fra fastlandet. Akademik Shokalskiy regner med at den forventede hjemkomst til New Zeeland den 4. januar, vil blive overholdt ifølge ekspeditions lederen Chris Turney.

Chris Turney har grundlagt et firma til løsning af kultveilte i atmosfæren og laver en hel masse grønne biprodukter. Formålet med krydstogtet er at vise virkningen af den globale opvarmning. Til trods for at denne ekspedition hovedsagelig har til formål at lave PR for Chris Turney's grønne firma, så er dette krydstogt finansieret af skatteborgerne. Nu kommer så dertil udgifter til assistance fra flere isbrydere.

Russia Today
The Guardian

For opdateringer: ... Full Article ...
2013-11-16 - 614 -

Das Ziel der Klimahysterie - Die große Transformation This is part 11/11 in a series on German TV, which is now available on Youtube. Duration is 1h 18m and mainly in German. It explains some of the origins of the climate hysteria and what the objectives are, objectives that is also expressed in the UN IPCC Agenda 21.
Thanks to Dr. Fred Goldberg for pointing this video out.

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2013-11-12 - 611 -

Da mere end 50.000 begejstrede polakker samledes i downtown Warszawa mandag for at fejre National Independence Day, med millioner flere der kigger med på live tv, blev CFACT præsident David Rothbard inviteret på scenen for at levere en lidenskabelig adresserende frihed og advarsel mod FNs farlige og undertrykkende klima dagsordenen.
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2013-10-23 - 608 -

Rate Of Warming YT In this 15 min clip, Lord Monckton gives Pachauri a serious showdown on the legendary Global Warming graph, which was supposed to visualize bogus accelerating rate of warming, using inadmissible artwork on the graph. ... Full Article ...
2013-09-25 - 605 - Carl Friis-Hansen, Alex Newman
Alex Newman skriver på ICECAP: Da FN forbereder sig på at frigive sin seneste rapport om "klimaændringer" lækkede dokumenter for nylig, af Associated Press, viser at Obama-administrationen og andre regeringer presser FN Mellemstatslige Panel for Klima (IPCC) til at dække over det faktum, at "global opvarmning" i al væsentlighed er ophørt de sidste 16 år. De eksplosive åbenbaringer, allerede beskrevet som "ClimateGate II" i pressen, kommer midt i et koordineret forsøg på at genoplive det svigtede forsøg på at vedtage et internationalt carbon regime i de kommende år. ... Full Article ...
2013-08-24 - 602 - Carl Friis-Hansen

IPCC holder pressekonference fredag den 27. september 2013 i Stockholm, en pressekonference der er censureret eller forbeholdt specielt indbudte. Pressekonferencen, hvis man da virkelig kan kalde den sådan, omhandler Summary for Policymakers. Dette sammendrag for politikerne, er selvfølgelig også denne gang ved at blive færdiggjort lang tid før den videnskabelige rapport er færdiggjort. ... Full Article ...
2013-08-17 - 599 - Carl Friis-Hansen
På et politisk møde i Las Vegas forleden dag, udtalte Arnold: "Strap some conservative-thinking people to a tailpipe for an hour and then they will agree it’s a pollutant!" Arnold Schwarzenegger
Jeg tvivler på at man overhovedet overlever en hel time og det ikke på grund af CO2 udslippet, men på grund af CO udslippet. Det er også lidt ironisk at den gode østriger griber til samme idealer, som en anden tidligere regeringschef benyttede under Anden Verdenskrig, for at blive af med sine politiske modstandere.

Okay, Arnold mener det vel ikke så bogstaveligt og han har vel heller ikke hørt efter i biologi timerne i folkeskolen, eller der er bare tale om idiotiske politiske floskler - hvad ved jeg?
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2013-08-11 - 596 - Carl Friis-Hansen
"Hvis du fortæller en stor nok løgn og bliver ved med at gentage den, vil folk til sidst komme til at tro den. Løgnen kan kun opretholdes, så længe staten kan beskytte folk fra de politiske, økonomiske og/eller militære konsekvenser af løgnen. Det bliver således af afgørende betydning for staten at anvende alle sine beføjelser til at undertrykke uenighed. Sandheden er den dødelige fjende af løgnen og derfor er sandheden statens største fjende."

Hitlers ungdomsindoktrinering
Dette er et citat fra Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels. Måske kan du se en sammenhæng med den nuværende klimadebat. Hr. Goebbels var faktisk dygtig til sit job, som han udøvede i årene 1933 til 1945, hvor han også fik stablet Hitler Jugend på benene. Hitlerjugend kan sammenlignes med vore dages World Wildlife Fund (WWF) og Greenpeace, som propaganderer gennem skoler, universiteter o ... Full Article ...
2013-07-29 - 593 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Daniel Otega, president of Nicuragua is currently inviting Edward Swowden, the freedom fighter or whistle-blower who is currently releasing documents and information originating from his former work in the US National Security Agency (NSA). But what has this to do with Global Warming, Climate Change or whatever you call it these days?
Club Of Rome was formed in 1968 at Accademia dei Lincei in Rome by the Morgenthau Group with the purpose of accelerating the plans to have a New World Order in place by the year 2000. In 1976, the United States Association of the Club of Rome (USACOR) was formed with the purpose of gradually shutting down the U.S. economy. The fundamental idea was, and still is, that national sovereignty must be replaced by an all controlling World Government. This was later detailed in the UN Agenda-21 and attempted constituted during COP-15 December 2009, but was stopped largely due to revelation d ... Full Article ...
2013-07-01 - 590 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Natural Resources Defense Council, NRDC, provides a tool on their website, where you can enter your ZIP code and see how bad everything is at that location - caused by climate change of cause. Below I have taken a few sample. It is interesting to see how "too much CO2" has made it both hotter, colder, dryer and wetter at the same time. Luckily president Obama have just put new rules to stop the weather from behaving badly. ... Full Article ...
2013-06-23 - 587 - Mark Beeunas
Taken from comment on WUWT:
The primary fuels we have were provided by Mother Nature, and she did the dirty work for us millions and billions of years ago. The energy provided in hydrocarbon fuels are the result of photosynthesis from solar energy and for nuclear fuels from supernovae.   To “design new fuels” from whole cloth will be an environmental disaster many times anything realized from the production of our current primary fuels.   It took 100’s of millions of years and millions of cubic kilometers of ocean water, and photosynthesis to deposit 100’s to 1000’s of feet of organic rich sediments in basins across the globe. These organic rich sediments where then buried by solar energy. Yes, solar energy evaporated the water from the seas and lifted it 10,000 plus feet into the mountains and the rains formed river that carried the sediments to the oceans and deeply bu ... Full Article ...
2015-12-20 - 638 - Carl Friis-hansen
Med data fra Berkley lavede jeg et par grafer med tendenslinje for nogle vejrstationer i Danmark. Det interessant at se at de alle udviser en tendens på ca 0.36 grader Celsius per århundrede. Gad vide hvor IPCCs ca. 10 gange tendens kommer fra? I hvert fald ser jeg ikke nogen frygtindgydende global opvarmning i Danmark.
GNU-plot Kastrup Lufthavn station id 154572 temperatur tendens
GNU-plot Kastrup Lufthavn station id 154572 temperatur tendens 0,37C/århundrede
GNU-plot Karup Lufthavn station id 154590 temperatur tendens
GNU-plot Karup Lufthavn station id 154590 temperatur tendens 0,36C/århundrede
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2015-12-11 - 635 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Politikerne er snart færdige med de lange forhandlinger i Paris. Hvad end udfaldet af FNs COP21 bliver, så har det i stor grad betydning for på den ene side de almindelige mennesker og på den anden side, for finanssystemet og det oligargiske herredømme. Det eneste, der ikke påvirkes, er vejret og klimaet, end ikke engang CO2.
Så hvad er det, der får både politikere og almindelige mennsker til at kæmpe en ideologisk kamp, som ikke kan vindes, men kun gøre livet sværere for mennesker, dyr og planter. Michael Crichton forklarede det i sin bog "State Of Fear".
Jeg lyttede forleden dag til en høring hos senator Ted Cruz, hvor det slog mig at vidner så som Dr. John Christy, var meget tilbageholdende med at forsvare sig mod uforskammetheder fra de politisk engagerede deltagere. Dette tror jeg er en anden af årsagerne til at det videnskabelige aspekt er helt druknet i klim ... Full Article ...
2014-06-12 - 626 -

There is no credible experiment that proves that the greenhouse gas effect exists. There are experiments that prove that the GHGE does not exist. Here is a report from a former member of EPA that could not find any connection between CO2 and atmospheric temperatures therefore EPA fired him. Look up Dr. Alan Carlin.

Comments on Draft Technical Support Document for Endangerment Analysis for Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the Clean Air Act

By Alan Carlin


Based on TSD Draft of March 9, 2009

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Alan Carlin Report March,16,2009-EPA

These comments are based on the draft Technical Support Document for Endangerment Analysis for Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the Clean Air Act (hereafter draft TSD) issued by the Climate Change Division of the Office of Atmospheric Programs on March 9, 2009.

Unfortunately, because I was only given a few days to review this lengthy document ... Full Article ...
2014-04-09 - 623 - Charles Moore, The Telegraph, 2014-04-06

Most of us pay some attention to the weather forecast. If it says it will rain in your area tomorrow, it probably will. But if it says the same for a month, let alone a year, later, it is much less likely to be right. There are too many imponderables.

The theory of global warming is a gigantic weather forecast for a century or more. However interesting the scientific inquiries involved, therefore, it can have almost no value as a prediction. Yet it is as a prediction that global warming (or, as we are now ordered to call it in the face of a stubbornly parky 21st century, “global weirding”) has captured the political and bureaucratic elites. All the action plans, taxes, green levies, protocols and carbon-emitting flights to massive summit meetings, after all, are not because of what its supporters call “The Science”. Proper science studies what is – which is, in principle, knowable – and is consequently very cautious about the future – which isn’t. No, they are the result of a belief that something big and bad is going to hit us one of these days. ... Full Article ...
2014-01-28 - 620 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Ikke alene har politikerne sørget for dyre EL priser og dyrere brændstof; men vil nu også sørge for at vi ikke længere kommer til at bestemmeover vores egen energipolitik, ved at sælge DONG til Goldman Sachs. Adgang til billig, stabil og rigelig energi er alt afgørende for den danske velfærd.

Du kan måske hindre dette og få politikerne til at handle i folkets interesse, ved at deltage i demonstration tirsdag den 28. januar kl. 16:30 på Rådhuspladsen i København. Fra Rådhuspladsen vil det gå i fakkeltog til Christiansborg Slotsplads. Tag gerne en fakkel med.

Se yderligere om demonstrationen på Schiller Institutets hjemmeside.
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2013-12-02 - 617 - Carl Friis-Hansen

En af de mest indflydelsesrige aviser Frankfurter Allgeimeine Zeitung, FAZ, kritiserer lederen af klima forskningsinstituttet i Potsdam, Professor Schellnhuber, meget kraftigt. Se den engelske udgave af artiklen.

I det hele taget er pipen ved at få en anden lyd i det meste af Europa og 132 lande sagde farvel og tobak til de mislykkede forhandlinger i Warszawa, da de ikke umiddelbart fik de milliarder de havde forventet fra de rige lande. Polen fyrede miljøministeren, da de ikke vil være med til det øvrige Europas økonomiske selvmordstendenser.

Langsomt ser det ud til at selv de store aviser begynder at se sandheden i øjnene - at vi ikke har haft nogen statisk betydningsfuld opvarmning de sidste 15 år eller mere - isbjørnetallet er steget fra 5.000 i 50'ne til 32.000 i 2012 - den ... Full Article ...
2013-11-15 - 613 - Carl Friis-Hansen,

bat Just read that there were 600,000 bats killed by wind turbines last year. Somehow wind park owners has succeeded in exemption from persecution for this criminal act.

In fact, bats are protected and the penalty is very severe with up to 5,000 Pound fine per incident or bat, up to six months in prison, and forfeiture of items used to commit the offense, e.g. vehicles, plants or machinery.
Data according to: Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) (as amended); the Countryside and Rights of Way Act, 2000; the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (NERC, 2006); and by the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2010).

So if my calculations are right, wind park owners should face fines of 3,000,000,000 Pound, have their wind turbines secured against any future danger to the bats or be ordered to decommission the wind turbines, and finally the owners should be sent to jail. ... Full Article ...
2013-11-10 - 610 - Suzanne Hamner, freedomoutpost 2013-11-02

Obama's Global Warming Folly On Friday, Obama signed an executive order that instructs federal agencies to work with state and local governments to boost preparations for the impact of global warming. Obama's war on coal has threatened one sixth of America's electrical output by placing 150 coal-burning power plants on the chopping block – all due to global warming. Citing global warming has already having an effect on communities and public health across the nation, Obama directed infrastructure projects to take into consideration future climate conditions which naturally could result in a higher price tag for new projects or repairs to already existing structures. However, new scientific evidence has surfaced that "the solar activity is decreasing at the fastest rate as anytime in the last 10,000 years."

Environmentalist Lawrence Solomon wrote in the Financial Post, "Now an increasing number of scientists are swinging back to the thinking of the 1960s and 1970s. The global cooling hypothesis may have been right after all, they say Earth may be entering a new Little Ice Age."
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2013-10-03 - 607 - Piers Corbyn, ICECAP, WeatherAction
Piers Corbyn
"This report and the build-up to it is a carefully choreographed self-referencing political game by Climate Change parasites which contains nothing of substance and is constructed to conceal the facts:

ALL THE DIRE PREDICTIONS of the CO2 warmists since 2000 have failed.

THE “ADMISSION” of ‘a pause in warming’ over the last 15 years is itself a cover-up for the fact that ONLY THEIR FRAUDULENT DATA shows any ‘warming’ at all in the period.

THEIR CLAIM that this pause was “something we (CO2 warmists) expected” is a brazen lie. They expected ‘runaway warming’.

THEIR STATEMENT that the world has warmed over the last 30 years or so is merely an expression of the natural solar-lunar 60yr cycle of temperatures (and Pacific circulation) explained by WeatherActio ... Full Article ...
2013-09-08 - 604 - Carl Friis-Hansen

Tag for eksempel et par nye overskrifter så som: "Global warming? No, actually we’re cooling, claim scientists A cold Arctic summer has led to a record increase in the ice cap, leading experts to predict a period of global cooling" fra Daily Telegraph eller "Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year with top scientists warning of global COOLING" fra Daily Mail. Selv for australierne kommer bøtten til at vende, efter valget af den nye statsminister, som siger - letter omskrevet - at klimaændring er noget vrøvl og han vil se at få Australien ud af den misære den tidligere regering har forvoldt i deres blinde tro på Al Gore og andre charlataner. ... Full Article ...
2013-08-23 - 601 - By Paul Driessen, NetRightDaily
It’s amazing that minuscule bacteria can cause life-threatening diseases and infections — and miraculous that tiny doses of vaccines and antibiotics can safeguard us against these deadly scourges. It is equally incredible that, at the planetary level, carbon dioxide is a miracle molecule for plants — and the “gas of life” for most living creatures on Earth.
In units of volume, CO2’s concentration is typically presented as 400 parts per million (400 ppm). Translated, that’s just 0.04 percent of Earth’s atmosphere — the equivalent of 40 cents out of one thousand dollars, or 1.4 inches on a football field. Even atmospheric argon is 23 times more abundant: 9,300 ppm. Moreover, the 400 ppm in 2013 is 120 ppm more than the 280 ppm CO2 level of 1800, and that two-century increase is equivalent to a mere 12 cents out of $1,000, or one half-inch on a football field.
Eliminate carbon dioxide, and terrestrial plants would die, as would lake and ocean phytoplankton, grasses, kelp and other water plants. After that, animal and human life would disappear. Even reducing CO2 levels too much — back to pre-industrial levels, for example — would have terrible consequences.
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2013-08-17 - 598 - Paul Driessen
Paul Driessen Tiny amounts of this miracle molecule make life on Earth possible

Paul Driessen

It’s amazing that minuscule bacteria can cause life-threatening diseases and infections – and miraculous that tiny doses of vaccines and antibiotics can safeguard us against these deadly scourges. It is equally incredible that, at the planetary level, carbon dioxide is a miracle molecule for plants – and the “gas of life” for most living creatures on Earth.

In units of volume, CO2’s concentration is typically presented as 400 parts per million (400 ppm). Translated, that’s just 0.04% of Earth’s atmosphere – the equivalent of 40 cents out of one thousand dollars, or 1.4 inches on a football field. Even atmospheric argon is 23 times more abundant: 9,300 ppm. Moreover, the 400 ppm in 2013 is 120 ppm more than the 280 ppm carbon dioxide level of 1800, and that two-century increase is equivalent to a mere 12 cents out of $1,000, or one half-inch on a football field.

Eliminate carbon dioxide, and terrestrial plants would die, as would lake and ocean phytoplankton, grasses, kelp and other water plants. After that, animal and human life would disappear. Even reducing CO2 levels too much – back to pre-industrial levels, for example – would have terrible consequences. ... Full Article ...
2013-08-06 - 595 - Carl Friis-Hansen
The Green party does not think they have done enough damage in the name of the non-existent problem of Anthropogenic Global Warming. The party will now have all the office canteens enforce a "voluntary" face-out of meat. One of the excuses used the politicians make, is that cows must their horns cut off to compensate for limited space!?
However, Germany has begun to make resistance to the Greenies and their terror against western industry, fossil fuels, hamburgers with ham and AGW. Many prominent scientists now write papers pulling the AGW theory totally apart and others are making serious talks about Glass-Steagall, like in this article: Germany Imposing a Glass-Steagall-Like Act with Teeth from Armstrong Economics.
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2013-07-19 - 592 - Someone
3 columns There are many ways to see this here, but the most important is that it stays correct in the right way. There is not much to say about this, except that there is no way back back to the safe environment. Once upon a time there was a little house in the big wood with all the many elephants. 2 columns Der er mange modes to see this here, but the most important is that it stays correct in the right way There is not much to say about this, except that there is no way back back to the safe environment.
Here is the CSS code used in the above For 3 columns: ... Full Article ...
2013-06-28 - 589 - Carl Friis-Hansen
På den brittiske ø Isles of Harris havde 40 fugleinteresserede samlet sig for at se en tornhalesejler, der var indtruffet på øen. Efter at have betragtet fuglen i to timer, kom den for tæt på en vindturbine og blev ramt af et af bladene. Tornhalesejlere har i Storbritannien kun været observeret 8 gange de sidste 170år. Den sidste observation, bortset fra det tragiske tilfælde i går, var i 1991.
White-throated needletail, Hirundapus caudacutus, tornhalesejler
Foto: Birds Of The World
Kilde: The Telegraph 27. juni 2013
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2016-01-05 - 643 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Er vi virkelig ved at være så ekstremt intolerante at klimaskeptikere og nu også den stakkels Lille Havfrue ikke længere kan accepteres af visse medietunge dele af samfundet?
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2015-12-21 - 639 -
2015-12-17 - 637 - Carl Friis-Hansen baseret på artikel af Kip Hansen
ocean plastic Plastikkontinentet i Stillehavet fik den kolde sved til at løbe langt ned ad ryggen, da jeg første gang så billeder, der tilsyneladende stammende fra Google Earth, visende tæt pakket plastikaffald på et område på størrelse med et helt kontinent flydende rund i midten af Stillehavet.
Bloggere havde skrevet så intensivt om dette fænomen, så jeg ikke betvivlede rigtigheden af dette flydende plastickontinent, lige til jeg i dag læste en artikel på WUWT med titlen An Ocean of Plastic af Kip Hansen. I Et Ocean af Plasic beskriver Kip klart og tydeligt hvordan også dette er udsprunget af fri fantasi.
Som Kip Hansen skriver: Der er plastik i de store have, da det hænder der fal ... Full Article ...
2015-12-11 - 635 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Politikerne er snart færdige med de lange forhandlinger i Paris. Hvad end udfaldet af FNs COP21 bliver, så har det i stor grad betydning for på den ene side de almindelige mennesker og på den anden side, for finanssystemet og det oligargiske herredømme. Det eneste, der ikke påvirkes, er vejret og klimaet, end ikke engang CO2.
Så hvad er det, der får både politikere og almindelige mennsker til at kæmpe en ideologisk kamp, som ikke kan vindes, men kun gøre livet sværere for mennesker, dyr og planter. Michael Crichton forklarede det i sin bog "State Of Fear".
Jeg lyttede forleden dag til en høring hos senator Ted Cruz, hvor det slog mig at vidner så som Dr. John Christy, var meget tilbageholdende med at forsvare sig mod uforskammetheder fra de politisk engagerede deltagere. Dette tror jeg er en anden af årsagerne til at det videnskabelige aspekt er helt druknet i klim ... Full Article ...
2015-03-17 - 627 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Der er nu gået et år siden afstemningen på halvøen Crimea fandt sted. For et år siden stemte et overvejende flertal for genforening med Rusland. Årsagen til at denne afstemning overhovedet fandt sted, var den voksende Neo-fascisme og en ny lov, som forbød blandt andet andre sprog, så som russisk. Hovedparten, 58%, af befolkningen i Crimea området er af russisk afstamning og folket her taler overvejende russisk.
I den vestlige presse blev valgprocessen portretteret som et russisk kup og den amerikanske regering satte et antal milliarder dollar af til omstyrte regeringen i Ukraine og styrkede fascismen yderligere, så ca. 21% af regeringen i Ukraine er Neo-fascistiske eller Neo-nazi.
En yderligere torn i øjnene på den russiske befolkning i Crimea, er at NATO er rykket længere og længere mod de russiske grænser, til trods for at NATO, da pakten dannedes, lovede ikke at udvide mod øst.
Se tekst og billeder fra ... Full Article ...
2014-04-20 - 625 - Robert, Ice Age Now

Some chair lifts still buried under “unprecedented” amounts of snow.

A HIGHLAND snowports resort which enjoyed its busiest day in a decade this week has unveiled plans to “ski into summer” if conditions allow.

Earlier in the week Iain Sykes, the founder of Nevis Range Ski Resort claimed that the resort had more snow than ever in the history of skiing there.

The resort has now recorded snow fall for 59 consecutive days.

The snow cover was described as “wall-to-wall”. Average snow depths are thought to be 1.6 metres on the lower slopes, 4.5 metres on the upper slopes, with some deep gully areas estimated as being over 18m (58 ft) deep. (More than 5 stories deep!)

The resort was not even able to operate all of its lifts at the weekend because some lifts are still buried under the unprecedented amounts of snow.

Managing director Marian Austin said: “All of our staff have been working very ha ... Full Article ...
2014-04-09 - 623 - Charles Moore, The Telegraph, 2014-04-06

Most of us pay some attention to the weather forecast. If it says it will rain in your area tomorrow, it probably will. But if it says the same for a month, let alone a year, later, it is much less likely to be right. There are too many imponderables.

The theory of global warming is a gigantic weather forecast for a century or more. However interesting the scientific inquiries involved, therefore, it can have almost no value as a prediction. Yet it is as a prediction that global warming (or, as we are now ordered to call it in the face of a stubbornly parky 21st century, “global weirding”) has captured the political and bureaucratic elites. All the action plans, taxes, green levies, protocols and carbon-emitting flights to massive summit meetings, after all, are not because of what its supporters call “The Science”. Proper science studies what is – which is, in principle, knowable – and is consequently very cautious about the future – which isn’t. No, they are the result of a belief that something big and bad is going to hit us one of these days. ... Full Article ...
2014-01-30 - 621 -

An estimated 2,500 demonstrators braved the cold and snow yesterday evening was protesting against the pending partial sale of state-owned energy provider DONG (Danish Oil and Natural Gas) to US investment firm Goldman Sachs.

Parliament's Finance Committee is set to vote on the controversial deal today. If it pass, Goldman Sachs will take a 19 percent stake in DONG at a cost of eight billion kroner or USD 1,500,000,000.

READ MORE: Goldman Sachs wasn't highest DONG bidder

An online petition against the Goldman Sachs deal has reached over 190,000 signatures. The sale is expected to pass, but all eyes politically will be on Socialistisk Folkeparti. The party is meeting tonight about the DONG deal and some within the party are ... Full Article ...
2013-12-31 - 619 - Carl Friis-Hansen

Chris Turney has been been confronted with the irony that they are trapped in so much ice when we have global global warming (except for the last 15 years). One of his explanations are: “There's a misconception here – we are not trapped in new ice that's been created because its cold,” said Turney. “This is very old, thick ice that's been re-mobilised. It was attached to another part of the continent and has broken out and, with the south-easterly winds we've had, has pushed it up against the coast … and pinned us in. The event is likely to be a result of long-term climate change that is happening in this part of the world. When the 120 km-long iceberg, B09B, came through the area a few years ago it knocked the tongue off the nearby Mertz glacier, which itself is 120 km long. The iceberg grounded on the sea bed in Commonwealth Bay causing the sea around it to lock up with ice attached to the continent."

His explanation is probably fine and plausible, but it d ... Full Article ...
2013-12-02 - 617 - Carl Friis-Hansen

En af de mest indflydelsesrige aviser Frankfurter Allgeimeine Zeitung, FAZ, kritiserer lederen af klima forskningsinstituttet i Potsdam, Professor Schellnhuber, meget kraftigt. Se den engelske udgave af artiklen.

I det hele taget er pipen ved at få en anden lyd i det meste af Europa og 132 lande sagde farvel og tobak til de mislykkede forhandlinger i Warszawa, da de ikke umiddelbart fik de milliarder de havde forventet fra de rige lande. Polen fyrede miljøministeren, da de ikke vil være med til det øvrige Europas økonomiske selvmordstendenser.

Langsomt ser det ud til at selv de store aviser begynder at se sandheden i øjnene - at vi ikke har haft nogen statisk betydningsfuld opvarmning de sidste 15 år eller mere - isbjørnetallet er steget fra 5.000 i 50'ne til 32.000 i 2012 - den ... Full Article ...
2013-11-16 - 614 -

Das Ziel der Klimahysterie - Die große Transformation This is part 11/11 in a series on German TV, which is now available on Youtube. Duration is 1h 18m and mainly in German. It explains some of the origins of the climate hysteria and what the objectives are, objectives that is also expressed in the UN IPCC Agenda 21.
Thanks to Dr. Fred Goldberg for pointing this video out.

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2013-11-14 - 612 - Carl Friis-Hansen

Rusland og mange af de tidligere Sovjetunion lande er sjokkerede over at FN ignorerer enhver form for demokrati og benytter "consensus" i stedet, formodentlig et af de mest absurde ord i forbindelse med Global Opvarmning. Europe vil heller ikke være med til nogen traktat, men har derimod skrevet under på en deklaration, der går ud på at klimapolitikken skal revideres.

Fakta bør ikke komme i vejen for god propaganda, som for eksempel denne journalist under en debat på CNN: Climate Change advocate tells Piers Morgan it’s ‘journalistic malpractice’ to include ‘skeptics’ in the discussion.

Dr. Roy Spencer forsøger at forklare ot den meget omtalte 97% enighed blandt ekspertenerne er meget misvisende. Ja, der 97%, hvis ikke snarere 100%, enighed om at klimaet er blevetvarmere, ikke mindst siden ... Full Article ...
2013-11-10 - 610 - Suzanne Hamner, freedomoutpost 2013-11-02

Obama's Global Warming Folly On Friday, Obama signed an executive order that instructs federal agencies to work with state and local governments to boost preparations for the impact of global warming. Obama's war on coal has threatened one sixth of America's electrical output by placing 150 coal-burning power plants on the chopping block – all due to global warming. Citing global warming has already having an effect on communities and public health across the nation, Obama directed infrastructure projects to take into consideration future climate conditions which naturally could result in a higher price tag for new projects or repairs to already existing structures. However, new scientific evidence has surfaced that "the solar activity is decreasing at the fastest rate as anytime in the last 10,000 years."

Environmentalist Lawrence Solomon wrote in the Financial Post, "Now an increasing number of scientists are swinging back to the thinking of the 1960s and 1970s. The global cooling hypothesis may have been right after all, they say Earth may be entering a new Little Ice Age."
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2013-10-23 - 608 -

Rate Of Warming YT In this 15 min clip, Lord Monckton gives Pachauri a serious showdown on the legendary Global Warming graph, which was supposed to visualize bogus accelerating rate of warming, using inadmissible artwork on the graph. ... Full Article ...
2013-09-27 - 606 - Lord Christopher Monckton, WorldNetDaily

Sydney, Australia – It’s official. What I was howled down and banned for telling the recent U.N. climate conference in Doha is true. There has been no global warming for 17 years.

Rajendra Pachauri, the railroad engineer who heads the U.N.’s accident-prone climate panel, the IPCC, recently admitted this fact here in Australia.

The Hadley/CRU temperature record shows no warming for 18 or 19 years. RSS satellites show none for 23 years. Not one computer model predicted that.

Pachauri said the zero trend would have to persist for 30-40 years before it mattered. Scientists disagree. In 2008 the modelers wrote that more than 14 years without global warming would indicate a “discrepancy” between their predictions and reality. By their own criterion, they have grossly, persistently, profitably exaggerated manmade warming.

The 17-year flatline gives Australia’s $180,000-a-year, part-time climate kommissar, Tim Flannery, a problem. In January he crowed that extreme weather like Sydney’s recent heatwave had been predicted for decades.

Skeptics, he wailed, continued to ignore the thousands of hot-weather records tumbling worldwide. Yet without statistically significant warming for nigh on two decades, recent extreme weather cannot be blamed on global warming.

Warming that was predicted yesterday but has not happened for up to 23 years until today cannot have caused yesterday’s “droughts and flooding rains,” now, can it?

Flannery relentlessly gives only one side of the story when it is his duty to give both. He is carefully silent about the thousands of cold-weather records that have also tumbled in recent years – more than 650 this week in the U.S. alone.

The Northern Hemisphere is enduring one of its coldest winters in 100 years. Before the usual suspects try to blame that too on global warming, the IPCC says – unsurprisingly – that warmer weather means less snow.

Sea-ice extent in the Arctic has reached a record high for this time of year, despite a record low last summer. In the Antarctic, sea ice has been increasing for 33 years.

There will be further extreme weather in the coming decades. It will not matter whether the world warms or cools. Extreme weather is not the new normal. It is the old normal – but the new slogan.

The best-kept secret in climate science is that extreme weather, or “tipping points,” will be no likelier if the planet warms than if it cools. For the climate behaves as a chaotic object. What mathematicians call “bifurcations” can occur at any time. ... Full Article ...
2013-09-08 - 604 - Carl Friis-Hansen

Tag for eksempel et par nye overskrifter så som: "Global warming? No, actually we’re cooling, claim scientists A cold Arctic summer has led to a record increase in the ice cap, leading experts to predict a period of global cooling" fra Daily Telegraph eller "Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year with top scientists warning of global COOLING" fra Daily Mail. Selv for australierne kommer bøtten til at vende, efter valget af den nye statsminister, som siger - letter omskrevet - at klimaændring er noget vrøvl og han vil se at få Australien ud af den misære den tidligere regering har forvoldt i deres blinde tro på Al Gore og andre charlataner. ... Full Article ...
2013-08-24 - 602 - Carl Friis-Hansen

IPCC holder pressekonference fredag den 27. september 2013 i Stockholm, en pressekonference der er censureret eller forbeholdt specielt indbudte. Pressekonferencen, hvis man da virkelig kan kalde den sådan, omhandler Summary for Policymakers. Dette sammendrag for politikerne, er selvfølgelig også denne gang ved at blive færdiggjort lang tid før den videnskabelige rapport er færdiggjort. ... Full Article ...
2013-08-22 - 600 - Dr. Tim Ball, August 18 2013,
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) never followed the scientific method. They inferred the hypothesis that an increase in atmospheric CO2 due to human activities would inevitably cause a rise in global temperature. They set out to prove this when they should have tried to disprove it in what Popper calls “falsification.” Over at least the last 15 years global temperature has leveled and declined while CO2 levels continue to increase. What is actually happening is in contradiction to their hypothesis and essentially impossible according to the conclusion in their 2007 Report.

Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic GHG concentrations. It is likely that there has been significant anthropogenic warming over the past 50 years averaged over each continent (except Antarctica).

Despite this on 16 Aug Reuters news agency reported:

“Drafts seen by Reuters of the study by the U.N. panel of experts, due to be published next month, say it is at least 95 percent likely that human activities – chiefly the burning of fossil fuels – are the main cause of warming since the 1950s.”
They’re talking about a change in the next Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) or Assessment Report 5. (AR5). It is significant because it is an increase from the 2007 Fourth Report (FAR) when they were >90 % certain.

If accurate, this claim is made in the face of evidence that their hypothesis is wrong. Perhaps it is explained by the recent comment by a leading member of the IPCC. He effectively said, failed proof of the hypothesis doesn’t matter because,

“Proof is for mathematical theorems and alcoholic beverages. It’s not for science.” ... Full Article ...
2013-08-17 - 598 - Paul Driessen
Paul Driessen Tiny amounts of this miracle molecule make life on Earth possible

Paul Driessen

It’s amazing that minuscule bacteria can cause life-threatening diseases and infections – and miraculous that tiny doses of vaccines and antibiotics can safeguard us against these deadly scourges. It is equally incredible that, at the planetary level, carbon dioxide is a miracle molecule for plants – and the “gas of life” for most living creatures on Earth.

In units of volume, CO2’s concentration is typically presented as 400 parts per million (400 ppm). Translated, that’s just 0.04% of Earth’s atmosphere – the equivalent of 40 cents out of one thousand dollars, or 1.4 inches on a football field. Even atmospheric argon is 23 times more abundant: 9,300 ppm. Moreover, the 400 ppm in 2013 is 120 ppm more than the 280 ppm carbon dioxide level of 1800, and that two-century increase is equivalent to a mere 12 cents out of $1,000, or one half-inch on a football field.

Eliminate carbon dioxide, and terrestrial plants would die, as would lake and ocean phytoplankton, grasses, kelp and other water plants. After that, animal and human life would disappear. Even reducing CO2 levels too much – back to pre-industrial levels, for example – would have terrible consequences. ... Full Article ...
2013-08-11 - 596 - Carl Friis-Hansen
"Hvis du fortæller en stor nok løgn og bliver ved med at gentage den, vil folk til sidst komme til at tro den. Løgnen kan kun opretholdes, så længe staten kan beskytte folk fra de politiske, økonomiske og/eller militære konsekvenser af løgnen. Det bliver således af afgørende betydning for staten at anvende alle sine beføjelser til at undertrykke uenighed. Sandheden er den dødelige fjende af løgnen og derfor er sandheden statens største fjende."

Hitlers ungdomsindoktrinering
Dette er et citat fra Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels. Måske kan du se en sammenhæng med den nuværende klimadebat. Hr. Goebbels var faktisk dygtig til sit job, som han udøvede i årene 1933 til 1945, hvor han også fik stablet Hitler Jugend på benene. Hitlerjugend kan sammenlignes med vore dages World Wildlife Fund (WWF) og Greenpeace, som propaganderer gennem skoler, universiteter o ... Full Article ...
2013-07-29 - 594 - Carl Friis-Hansen
As I was reading a new paper published in Quaternary Research about how small changes the Sun's activity may effect weather and climate, a thought hit me. Before I tell about my thought, let me say that scientists in this area will probably laugh and say that this is basic knowledge.   Let us say the Sun changes 1% in total radiance, I would assume one should assume a forcing in temperature range of 1% of the absolute global mean temperature. Let's say the global mean temperature is 15°C or 273+15=288°K. Thus, 1% of 288°K ~ 2.9°C. Long term changes, has to be an integral dependent on the thermal time constant of particular the oceans, less than 2.9°C would give an idea of the negative feed back gain.   That's it, just a thought from a novice within this area.   Update July 31st 2013 - The 0°C to °K value corrected, sorry.   ... Full Article ...
2013-07-19 - 592 - Someone
3 columns There are many ways to see this here, but the most important is that it stays correct in the right way. There is not much to say about this, except that there is no way back back to the safe environment. Once upon a time there was a little house in the big wood with all the many elephants. 2 columns Der er mange modes to see this here, but the most important is that it stays correct in the right way There is not much to say about this, except that there is no way back back to the safe environment.
Here is the CSS code used in the above For 3 columns: ... Full Article ...
2013-07-01 - 590 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Natural Resources Defense Council, NRDC, provides a tool on their website, where you can enter your ZIP code and see how bad everything is at that location - caused by climate change of cause. Below I have taken a few sample. It is interesting to see how "too much CO2" has made it both hotter, colder, dryer and wetter at the same time. Luckily president Obama have just put new rules to stop the weather from behaving badly. ... Full Article ...
2013-06-23 - 588 - Carl Friis-Hansen, Joanne Nova
Danmark formår at få 10% af den elektriske energi fra vindmøller, grundet vores naboers evne til at yde kompensation, når der leveres for meget og for lidt energi fra møllerne. Til trods for dette ideelle arrangement, så får vi alligevel 1,8milliarder kroner mindre ind på national budgettet, end hvis de ansatte i vindmølleindustrien havde været ansat andet steds. Ovenstående kommer fra CEPOS 2009. Yderligere udredning og reference kan ses her... ... Full Article ...
2016-01-03 - 642 - Carl Friis-Hansen baseret på Professor Mike van Biezen december 2015
The Daily Wire gav for nogle dage siden en artikel baseret på Mike van Biezens notater de mest dominerende årsager til at vi bør se mere skeptisk på det vi i almindelighed hører fra de officielle autoriteter inden for klimaforskning og klimapolitik. Nedenfor har jeg lavet en kronologisk oversættelse af disse ti årsager:
Temperatur data fra rundt omkring i verden støtter ikke antagelsen at vore dages temperaturer er unormale. Satellit temperaturdata støtter ikke at temperaturerne stiger kraftigt. Nuværende temperaturer sammenlignes altid med 1980'ne, men for mange dele af verden var 1980'ne det koldeste årti. Verden oplevede en betydelig køletendens mellem 1940 og 1980. Bymæssig opvarmning spolerer temperaturdata for et betydeligt antal vejrstationer. Der er et årligt modsat forhold mellem atmosfærisk CO2 og gl ... Full Article ...
2015-12-27 - 640 - Carl Friis-hansen
With data from Berkeley I made some graphs with trend lines for some weather stations in Denmark. It is interesting to see that they all show a trend of about 0.36C per century. Wonder where IPCCs about 10 times trend comes from? At a first glance I do not see any terrifying "global" warming in Denmark.
GNU-plot Kastrup Airport station id 154572 temperature trend
GNU-plot Kastrup Airport station id 154572 temperature trend 0.37C/century
GNU-plot Karup Airport station id 154590 temperature trend
GNU-plot Karup Airport station id 154590 temperature trend 0.36C/century
... Full Article ...
2015-12-20 - 638 - Carl Friis-hansen
Med data fra Berkley lavede jeg et par grafer med tendenslinje for nogle vejrstationer i Danmark. Det interessant at se at de alle udviser en tendens på ca 0.36 grader Celsius per århundrede. Gad vide hvor IPCCs ca. 10 gange tendens kommer fra? I hvert fald ser jeg ikke nogen frygtindgydende global opvarmning i Danmark.
GNU-plot Kastrup Lufthavn station id 154572 temperatur tendens
GNU-plot Kastrup Lufthavn station id 154572 temperatur tendens 0,37C/århundrede
GNU-plot Karup Lufthavn station id 154590 temperatur tendens
GNU-plot Karup Lufthavn station id 154590 temperatur tendens 0,36C/århundrede
... Full Article ...
2015-12-15 - 636 - Carl Friis-Hansen
NCDC NOAA Yearly Mean Temperature Anomalies GNU Plot 1901-2012 with trend line A few days ago I generated a new graph from the terrestrial NCDC/NOAA dataset. The trend from 1880 till 2015 is 0.57°C/century. The Paris Accord/Agreement aim at forestalling 1.5°C in less than a century. We all knows where the UN's assumption of more than 1.5°C/century, without negating prosperity, comes from, namely the formulas in the big computers.
The trend of 0.57°C is, according to many scientists, likely to go negative in a few decades from now. This makes the UN-IPCC predictions even more unrealistic, not to say immature crap. Add to that, that in this plot to the right, we are recovering from the Little Ice Age. ... Full Article ...
2015-03-19 - 628 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Hver gang jeg ser naturudsendelser på tysk TV, forarges jeg over den propaganda, der formidles så åbenlyst bevist. De fleste af disse udsendelser stammer fra BBC og er som regel kommenteret af ZDF eller andre tyske TV selskaber. Det lugter langt væk af at der gives statslig støtte til disse udsendelser, hvis de delvis propaganderer for kuldioxid og metan, som skyld i den overdrevne fare for katastrofal global opvarmning.
I dag så jeg "Terra X Expedition Erde", Edu/Science 2008, som handler om de mange betingelser der har skulle opfyldes, for at der er liv på Jorden. I mange henseender var udsendelsen god og jeg antager at stort set alt indholdet er korrekt, når man ser bort fra behandlingen af emnet drivhusgasser. Det absurde var at det blev beskrevet hvordan ilt (O2) er blevet til og har gjort livet på Jorden mulig. Der blev fortalt vidt og bredt om hvor nødvendig og god ilten er og at det er planterne, der giver os denne ilt. I modsætning hertil, blev berette ... Full Article ...
2014-06-12 - 626 -

There is no credible experiment that proves that the greenhouse gas effect exists. There are experiments that prove that the GHGE does not exist. Here is a report from a former member of EPA that could not find any connection between CO2 and atmospheric temperatures therefore EPA fired him. Look up Dr. Alan Carlin.

Comments on Draft Technical Support Document for Endangerment Analysis for Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the Clean Air Act

By Alan Carlin


Based on TSD Draft of March 9, 2009

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Alan Carlin Report March,16,2009-EPA

These comments are based on the draft Technical Support Document for Endangerment Analysis for Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the Clean Air Act (hereafter draft TSD) issued by the Climate Change Division of the Office of Atmospheric Programs on March 9, 2009.

Unfortunately, because I was only given a few days to review this lengthy document ... Full Article ...
2014-04-20 - 624 - Carl Friis-Hansen

Jeg får nok skyld for at vende op og ned på alting, måske er noget af det skudt ved siden af, so be it. Det vigtigste for mig er at så mange som muligt gør en egentlig indsats for at se kritisk på hvad der sker i verden for øjeblikket.

USAs militær forbereder væbnet konflikt, også kaldet krig, ifølge pensioneret Admiral David Titley.
Medierne gør stadig et større nummer ud klimadebatten, end af de mange konflikter som USA har eskaleret gennem Bush tiderne og specielt under Obama administrationen.

Der er mange paralleller til optakten til Anden Verdenskrig, hvor fascisterne tog magten gennem propaganda og overgreb, økonomien gik til bunds på grund af bland andet bankerne og eskalerende konflikter.

Propagandaen, som benyttes denne gang, er i stort omfang klimadebatten. Til trods for at vi ikke har haft nogen målelig global opvarmning de sidste ca. 17 år, så kan vi næste ... Full Article ...
2014-02-07 - 622 - Lord Christopher Monckton

His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales,
Clarence House, London.

Candlemas, 2014

Your Royal Highness’ recent remarks describing those who have scientific and economic reason to question the Establishment opinion on climatic apocalypse in uncomplimentary and unroyal terms as “headless chickens” mark the end of our constitutional monarchy and a return to the direct involvement of the Royal Family, in the Person of our future king, no less, in the cut and thrust of partisan politics. ... Full Article ...
2014-01-28 - 620 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Ikke alene har politikerne sørget for dyre EL priser og dyrere brændstof; men vil nu også sørge for at vi ikke længere kommer til at bestemmeover vores egen energipolitik, ved at sælge DONG til Goldman Sachs. Adgang til billig, stabil og rigelig energi er alt afgørende for den danske velfærd.

Du kan måske hindre dette og få politikerne til at handle i folkets interesse, ved at deltage i demonstration tirsdag den 28. januar kl. 16:30 på Rådhuspladsen i København. Fra Rådhuspladsen vil det gå i fakkeltog til Christiansborg Slotsplads. Tag gerne en fakkel med.

Se yderligere om demonstrationen på Schiller Institutets hjemmeside.
... Full Article ...
2013-12-29 - 618 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Sidste opdatering 2014-01-03

Krydstogtskibet Akademik Shokalskiy, som skulle vise resultatet af Global Opvarmning for skatteborgernes penge, har nu siddet fast i 3 meter tyk havis siden mandag den 23. december. Flere isbrydere er på vej til at hjælpe; men den nærmeste isbryder, den kinesiske Xue Long eller Snedrage, sidder nu også fast 6 sømil fra Akademik Shokalskiy og 1500 sømil syd for Hobart. En fransk isbryder, som er 14 sømil fra den kinesiske, er også på vej; men ifølge officererne på den kinesiske isbryder, er der lille sandsynlighed for at den kan nå fem.

Akademik Shokalskiy
Arkivfoto - Der er 48 passagerer og 20 besætningmedlemmer ombord på Akademik Shokalskiy.

Til trods for at det er forår på den sydlige halvkugle, så er det de sidste år blevet koldere på Antarktis og dette kombineret med en pludselig koldfront, har medført usædvanlig tyk is langt fra fastlandet. Akademik Shokalskiy regner med at den forventede hjemkomst til New Zeeland den 4. januar, vil blive overholdt ifølge ekspeditions lederen Chris Turney.

Chris Turney har grundlagt et firma til løsning af kultveilte i atmosfæren og laver en hel masse grønne biprodukter. Formålet med krydstogtet er at vise virkningen af den globale opvarmning. Til trods for at denne ekspedition hovedsagelig har til formål at lave PR for Chris Turney's grønne firma, så er dette krydstogt finansieret af skatteborgerne. Nu kommer så dertil udgifter til assistance fra flere isbrydere.

Russia Today
The Guardian

For opdateringer: ... Full Article ...
2013-11-22 - 615 - Carl Friis-ansen

In an article November 21st 2013 on titled "Russian sperm bank for bears: Surrogate grizzly to carry polar cubs" , the argument for the experiment is "...the polar bear population has been declining dramatically year by year...". WWF is fairly correct though in stating that the world wide population is around 25,000. However, in reality the population world wide has steadily increased from around 5,000 in the 1950's to between 22,600 and 32,000 today. ... Full Article ...
2013-11-15 - 613 - Carl Friis-Hansen,

bat Just read that there were 600,000 bats killed by wind turbines last year. Somehow wind park owners has succeeded in exemption from persecution for this criminal act.

In fact, bats are protected and the penalty is very severe with up to 5,000 Pound fine per incident or bat, up to six months in prison, and forfeiture of items used to commit the offense, e.g. vehicles, plants or machinery.
Data according to: Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) (as amended); the Countryside and Rights of Way Act, 2000; the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (NERC, 2006); and by the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2010).

So if my calculations are right, wind park owners should face fines of 3,000,000,000 Pound, have their wind turbines secured against any future danger to the bats or be ordered to decommission the wind turbines, and finally the owners should be sent to jail. ... Full Article ...
2013-11-12 - 611 -

Da mere end 50.000 begejstrede polakker samledes i downtown Warszawa mandag for at fejre National Independence Day, med millioner flere der kigger med på live tv, blev CFACT præsident David Rothbard inviteret på scenen for at levere en lidenskabelig adresserende frihed og advarsel mod FNs farlige og undertrykkende klima dagsordenen.
... Full Article ...
2013-11-07 - 609 - Carl Friis-Hansen

There is much talk about wind mills, solar electric panels, carbon dioxide, and a global body to control us and our energy. President Obama is going to Warsaw in Poland for a more less secret meeting with the UN, bypassing the democratic process, in order to set up a global binding treaty to control the climate, de-industrialize the planet and to reduce world population to about one tenth of what we are today - a la Agenda 21.

So while the greens are making the world a lot less green and sending us way below the living standards of the Dark Ages, let us look at a brighter and much more promising solution to energy, economy and prosperity. In my view, the basis for prosperity and a better world is cheap, clean and plentiful energy. Energy is what made it possible to raise from the Dark Ages and slavery. The venture pretty much started in Great Britain and soon spread all over the now industrialized parts of the world.

Energy has always played the major p ... Full Article ...
2013-10-03 - 607 - Piers Corbyn, ICECAP, WeatherAction
Piers Corbyn
"This report and the build-up to it is a carefully choreographed self-referencing political game by Climate Change parasites which contains nothing of substance and is constructed to conceal the facts:

ALL THE DIRE PREDICTIONS of the CO2 warmists since 2000 have failed.

THE “ADMISSION” of ‘a pause in warming’ over the last 15 years is itself a cover-up for the fact that ONLY THEIR FRAUDULENT DATA shows any ‘warming’ at all in the period.

THEIR CLAIM that this pause was “something we (CO2 warmists) expected” is a brazen lie. They expected ‘runaway warming’.

THEIR STATEMENT that the world has warmed over the last 30 years or so is merely an expression of the natural solar-lunar 60yr cycle of temperatures (and Pacific circulation) explained by WeatherActio ... Full Article ...
2013-09-25 - 605 - Carl Friis-Hansen, Alex Newman
Alex Newman skriver på ICECAP: Da FN forbereder sig på at frigive sin seneste rapport om "klimaændringer" lækkede dokumenter for nylig, af Associated Press, viser at Obama-administrationen og andre regeringer presser FN Mellemstatslige Panel for Klima (IPCC) til at dække over det faktum, at "global opvarmning" i al væsentlighed er ophørt de sidste 16 år. De eksplosive åbenbaringer, allerede beskrevet som "ClimateGate II" i pressen, kommer midt i et koordineret forsøg på at genoplive det svigtede forsøg på at vedtage et internationalt carbon regime i de kommende år. ... Full Article ...
2013-08-27 - 603 - Carl Friis-Hansen

For 197 år siden grundlage David Young en formel, der benytter solpletter, månebevægelse og planet stillinger, til at forudsige vejret. Statistisk set siges det at denne almanak er 80% korrekt. Sidste år var den forskudt et par dage. Det er formodentlig lidt den samme teknik, som Piers Corbyn fra England benytter i vore dage med sin simple PC.

Tilbage til den amerikanske "Farmers' Almanac". Caleb Weatherbee, der er prognosticator for publikationen, siger at det skulle blive særdeles koldt i de nordøstlige egne af USA omkring det tidspunkt hvor Super Bowl bliver spillet på MetLife Stadium i Meadowlands i New Jersey. Koldere vinter end normalt for to tredjedele af landet og kraftig snefald for Nidwest, Great Lakes og New England.

Reference: ... Full Article ...
2013-08-23 - 601 - By Paul Driessen, NetRightDaily
It’s amazing that minuscule bacteria can cause life-threatening diseases and infections — and miraculous that tiny doses of vaccines and antibiotics can safeguard us against these deadly scourges. It is equally incredible that, at the planetary level, carbon dioxide is a miracle molecule for plants — and the “gas of life” for most living creatures on Earth.
In units of volume, CO2’s concentration is typically presented as 400 parts per million (400 ppm). Translated, that’s just 0.04 percent of Earth’s atmosphere — the equivalent of 40 cents out of one thousand dollars, or 1.4 inches on a football field. Even atmospheric argon is 23 times more abundant: 9,300 ppm. Moreover, the 400 ppm in 2013 is 120 ppm more than the 280 ppm CO2 level of 1800, and that two-century increase is equivalent to a mere 12 cents out of $1,000, or one half-inch on a football field.
Eliminate carbon dioxide, and terrestrial plants would die, as would lake and ocean phytoplankton, grasses, kelp and other water plants. After that, animal and human life would disappear. Even reducing CO2 levels too much — back to pre-industrial levels, for example — would have terrible consequences.
... Full Article ...
2013-08-17 - 599 - Carl Friis-Hansen
På et politisk møde i Las Vegas forleden dag, udtalte Arnold: "Strap some conservative-thinking people to a tailpipe for an hour and then they will agree it’s a pollutant!" Arnold Schwarzenegger
Jeg tvivler på at man overhovedet overlever en hel time og det ikke på grund af CO2 udslippet, men på grund af CO udslippet. Det er også lidt ironisk at den gode østriger griber til samme idealer, som en anden tidligere regeringschef benyttede under Anden Verdenskrig, for at blive af med sine politiske modstandere.

Okay, Arnold mener det vel ikke så bogstaveligt og han har vel heller ikke hørt efter i biologi timerne i folkeskolen, eller der er bare tale om idiotiske politiske floskler - hvad ved jeg?
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2013-08-11 - 597 - Benny Peiser, The Australian
As country after country abandons, curtails or reneges on once-generous support for renewable energy, Europe is beginning to realise that its green energy strategy is dying on the vine. Green dreams are giving way to hard economic realities.

Solar panel
Slowly but gradually, Europe is awakening to a green energy crisis, an economic and political debacle that is entirely self-inflicted.

The mainstream media, which used to encourage the renewables push enthusiastically, is beginning to sober up too. With more and more cracks beginning to appear, many newspapers are returning to their proper role as the fourth estate, exposing the pitfalls of Europe’s green-energy gamble and opening their pages for thorough analysis and debate. Today, European media is full of news and commentary about the problems of an ill-conceived strategy that is becoming increasingly shaky and divisive. ... Full Article ...
2013-08-06 - 595 - Carl Friis-Hansen
The Green party does not think they have done enough damage in the name of the non-existent problem of Anthropogenic Global Warming. The party will now have all the office canteens enforce a "voluntary" face-out of meat. One of the excuses used the politicians make, is that cows must their horns cut off to compensate for limited space!?
However, Germany has begun to make resistance to the Greenies and their terror against western industry, fossil fuels, hamburgers with ham and AGW. Many prominent scientists now write papers pulling the AGW theory totally apart and others are making serious talks about Glass-Steagall, like in this article: Germany Imposing a Glass-Steagall-Like Act with Teeth from Armstrong Economics.
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2013-07-29 - 593 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Daniel Otega, president of Nicuragua is currently inviting Edward Swowden, the freedom fighter or whistle-blower who is currently releasing documents and information originating from his former work in the US National Security Agency (NSA). But what has this to do with Global Warming, Climate Change or whatever you call it these days?
Club Of Rome was formed in 1968 at Accademia dei Lincei in Rome by the Morgenthau Group with the purpose of accelerating the plans to have a New World Order in place by the year 2000. In 1976, the United States Association of the Club of Rome (USACOR) was formed with the purpose of gradually shutting down the U.S. economy. The fundamental idea was, and still is, that national sovereignty must be replaced by an all controlling World Government. This was later detailed in the UN Agenda-21 and attempted constituted during COP-15 December 2009, but was stopped largely due to revelation d ... Full Article ...
2013-07-17 - 591 - Carl Friis-Hansen
En samling frivillige har nu samlet ca. 500 af de de bedste dokumenter vedrørende energi og elkraft produktion. Hidtil har det været lidt af en jungle, når man ville hente oplysninger om EL-produktion, distribution, forbrug og rationale omkring disse emner, så som miljø påvirkning, økonomi og tekniske detaljer.
Det råder nu bod på. Det er en simpel website med en god inddeling af artikler og dokumenter i de mange forskellige kategorier. Denne site er sat på benene af AWED (Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions) eller på dansk "Alliance med henblik på Kloge Energi Beslutninger".
... Full Article ...
2013-06-28 - 589 - Carl Friis-Hansen
På den brittiske ø Isles of Harris havde 40 fugleinteresserede samlet sig for at se en tornhalesejler, der var indtruffet på øen. Efter at have betragtet fuglen i to timer, kom den for tæt på en vindturbine og blev ramt af et af bladene. Tornhalesejlere har i Storbritannien kun været observeret 8 gange de sidste 170år. Den sidste observation, bortset fra det tragiske tilfælde i går, var i 1991.
White-throated needletail, Hirundapus caudacutus, tornhalesejler
Foto: Birds Of The World
Kilde: The Telegraph 27. juni 2013
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2013-06-23 - 587 - Mark Beeunas
Taken from comment on WUWT:
The primary fuels we have were provided by Mother Nature, and she did the dirty work for us millions and billions of years ago. The energy provided in hydrocarbon fuels are the result of photosynthesis from solar energy and for nuclear fuels from supernovae.   To “design new fuels” from whole cloth will be an environmental disaster many times anything realized from the production of our current primary fuels.   It took 100’s of millions of years and millions of cubic kilometers of ocean water, and photosynthesis to deposit 100’s to 1000’s of feet of organic rich sediments in basins across the globe. These organic rich sediments where then buried by solar energy. Yes, solar energy evaporated the water from the seas and lifted it 10,000 plus feet into the mountains and the rains formed river that carried the sediments to the oceans and deeply bu ... Full Article ...
2016-01-05 - 643 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Er vi virkelig ved at være så ekstremt intolerante at klimaskeptikere og nu også den stakkels Lille Havfrue ikke længere kan accepteres af visse medietunge dele af samfundet?
... Full Article ...
2016-01-03 - 642 - Carl Friis-Hansen baseret på Professor Mike van Biezen december 2015
The Daily Wire gav for nogle dage siden en artikel baseret på Mike van Biezens notater de mest dominerende årsager til at vi bør se mere skeptisk på det vi i almindelighed hører fra de officielle autoriteter inden for klimaforskning og klimapolitik. Nedenfor har jeg lavet en kronologisk oversættelse af disse ti årsager:
Temperatur data fra rundt omkring i verden støtter ikke antagelsen at vore dages temperaturer er unormale. Satellit temperaturdata støtter ikke at temperaturerne stiger kraftigt. Nuværende temperaturer sammenlignes altid med 1980'ne, men for mange dele af verden var 1980'ne det koldeste årti. Verden oplevede en betydelig køletendens mellem 1940 og 1980. Bymæssig opvarmning spolerer temperaturdata for et betydeligt antal vejrstationer. Der er et årligt modsat forhold mellem atmosfærisk CO2 og gl ... Full Article ...
2015-12-27 - 640 - Carl Friis-hansen
With data from Berkeley I made some graphs with trend lines for some weather stations in Denmark. It is interesting to see that they all show a trend of about 0.36C per century. Wonder where IPCCs about 10 times trend comes from? At a first glance I do not see any terrifying "global" warming in Denmark.
GNU-plot Kastrup Airport station id 154572 temperature trend
GNU-plot Kastrup Airport station id 154572 temperature trend 0.37C/century
GNU-plot Karup Airport station id 154590 temperature trend
GNU-plot Karup Airport station id 154590 temperature trend 0.36C/century
... Full Article ...

2015-12-21 - 639 -
2015-12-20 - 638 - Carl Friis-hansen
Med data fra Berkley lavede jeg et par grafer med tendenslinje for nogle vejrstationer i Danmark. Det interessant at se at de alle udviser en tendens på ca 0.36 grader Celsius per århundrede. Gad vide hvor IPCCs ca. 10 gange tendens kommer fra? I hvert fald ser jeg ikke nogen frygtindgydende global opvarmning i Danmark.
GNU-plot Kastrup Lufthavn station id 154572 temperatur tendens
GNU-plot Kastrup Lufthavn station id 154572 temperatur tendens 0,37C/århundrede
GNU-plot Karup Lufthavn station id 154590 temperatur tendens
GNU-plot Karup Lufthavn station id 154590 temperatur tendens 0,36C/århundrede
... Full Article ...
2015-12-17 - 637 - Carl Friis-Hansen baseret på artikel af Kip Hansen
ocean plastic Plastikkontinentet i Stillehavet fik den kolde sved til at løbe langt ned ad ryggen, da jeg første gang så billeder, der tilsyneladende stammende fra Google Earth, visende tæt pakket plastikaffald på et område på størrelse med et helt kontinent flydende rund i midten af Stillehavet.
Bloggere havde skrevet så intensivt om dette fænomen, så jeg ikke betvivlede rigtigheden af dette flydende plastickontinent, lige til jeg i dag læste en artikel på WUWT med titlen An Ocean of Plastic af Kip Hansen. I Et Ocean af Plasic beskriver Kip klart og tydeligt hvordan også dette er udsprunget af fri fantasi.
Som Kip Hansen skriver: Der er plastik i de store have, da det hænder der fal ... Full Article ...
2015-12-15 - 636 - Carl Friis-Hansen
NCDC NOAA Yearly Mean Temperature Anomalies GNU Plot 1901-2012 with trend line A few days ago I generated a new graph from the terrestrial NCDC/NOAA dataset. The trend from 1880 till 2015 is 0.57°C/century. The Paris Accord/Agreement aim at forestalling 1.5°C in less than a century. We all knows where the UN's assumption of more than 1.5°C/century, without negating prosperity, comes from, namely the formulas in the big computers.
The trend of 0.57°C is, according to many scientists, likely to go negative in a few decades from now. This makes the UN-IPCC predictions even more unrealistic, not to say immature crap. Add to that, that in this plot to the right, we are recovering from the Little Ice Age. ... Full Article ...
2015-12-11 - 635 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Politikerne er snart færdige med de lange forhandlinger i Paris. Hvad end udfaldet af FNs COP21 bliver, så har det i stor grad betydning for på den ene side de almindelige mennesker og på den anden side, for finanssystemet og det oligargiske herredømme. Det eneste, der ikke påvirkes, er vejret og klimaet, end ikke engang CO2.
Så hvad er det, der får både politikere og almindelige mennsker til at kæmpe en ideologisk kamp, som ikke kan vindes, men kun gøre livet sværere for mennesker, dyr og planter. Michael Crichton forklarede det i sin bog "State Of Fear".
Jeg lyttede forleden dag til en høring hos senator Ted Cruz, hvor det slog mig at vidner så som Dr. John Christy, var meget tilbageholdende med at forsvare sig mod uforskammetheder fra de politisk engagerede deltagere. Dette tror jeg er en anden af årsagerne til at det videnskabelige aspekt er helt druknet i klim ... Full Article ...
2015-03-19 - 628 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Hver gang jeg ser naturudsendelser på tysk TV, forarges jeg over den propaganda, der formidles så åbenlyst bevist. De fleste af disse udsendelser stammer fra BBC og er som regel kommenteret af ZDF eller andre tyske TV selskaber. Det lugter langt væk af at der gives statslig støtte til disse udsendelser, hvis de delvis propaganderer for kuldioxid og metan, som skyld i den overdrevne fare for katastrofal global opvarmning.
I dag så jeg "Terra X Expedition Erde", Edu/Science 2008, som handler om de mange betingelser der har skulle opfyldes, for at der er liv på Jorden. I mange henseender var udsendelsen god og jeg antager at stort set alt indholdet er korrekt, når man ser bort fra behandlingen af emnet drivhusgasser. Det absurde var at det blev beskrevet hvordan ilt (O2) er blevet til og har gjort livet på Jorden mulig. Der blev fortalt vidt og bredt om hvor nødvendig og god ilten er og at det er planterne, der giver os denne ilt. I modsætning hertil, blev berette ... Full Article ...
2015-03-17 - 627 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Der er nu gået et år siden afstemningen på halvøen Crimea fandt sted. For et år siden stemte et overvejende flertal for genforening med Rusland. Årsagen til at denne afstemning overhovedet fandt sted, var den voksende Neo-fascisme og en ny lov, som forbød blandt andet andre sprog, så som russisk. Hovedparten, 58%, af befolkningen i Crimea området er af russisk afstamning og folket her taler overvejende russisk.
I den vestlige presse blev valgprocessen portretteret som et russisk kup og den amerikanske regering satte et antal milliarder dollar af til omstyrte regeringen i Ukraine og styrkede fascismen yderligere, så ca. 21% af regeringen i Ukraine er Neo-fascistiske eller Neo-nazi.
En yderligere torn i øjnene på den russiske befolkning i Crimea, er at NATO er rykket længere og længere mod de russiske grænser, til trods for at NATO, da pakten dannedes, lovede ikke at udvide mod øst.
Se tekst og billeder fra ... Full Article ...
2014-06-12 - 626 -

There is no credible experiment that proves that the greenhouse gas effect exists. There are experiments that prove that the GHGE does not exist. Here is a report from a former member of EPA that could not find any connection between CO2 and atmospheric temperatures therefore EPA fired him. Look up Dr. Alan Carlin.

Comments on Draft Technical Support Document for Endangerment Analysis for Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the Clean Air Act

By Alan Carlin


Based on TSD Draft of March 9, 2009

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Alan Carlin Report March,16,2009-EPA

These comments are based on the draft Technical Support Document for Endangerment Analysis for Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the Clean Air Act (hereafter draft TSD) issued by the Climate Change Division of the Office of Atmospheric Programs on March 9, 2009.

Unfortunately, because I was only given a few days to review this lengthy document ... Full Article ...
2014-04-20 - 625 - Robert, Ice Age Now

Some chair lifts still buried under “unprecedented” amounts of snow.

A HIGHLAND snowports resort which enjoyed its busiest day in a decade this week has unveiled plans to “ski into summer” if conditions allow.

Earlier in the week Iain Sykes, the founder of Nevis Range Ski Resort claimed that the resort had more snow than ever in the history of skiing there.

The resort has now recorded snow fall for 59 consecutive days.

The snow cover was described as “wall-to-wall”. Average snow depths are thought to be 1.6 metres on the lower slopes, 4.5 metres on the upper slopes, with some deep gully areas estimated as being over 18m (58 ft) deep. (More than 5 stories deep!)

The resort was not even able to operate all of its lifts at the weekend because some lifts are still buried under the unprecedented amounts of snow.

Managing director Marian Austin said: “All of our staff have been working very ha ... Full Article ...
2014-04-20 - 624 - Carl Friis-Hansen

Jeg får nok skyld for at vende op og ned på alting, måske er noget af det skudt ved siden af, so be it. Det vigtigste for mig er at så mange som muligt gør en egentlig indsats for at se kritisk på hvad der sker i verden for øjeblikket.

USAs militær forbereder væbnet konflikt, også kaldet krig, ifølge pensioneret Admiral David Titley.
Medierne gør stadig et større nummer ud klimadebatten, end af de mange konflikter som USA har eskaleret gennem Bush tiderne og specielt under Obama administrationen.

Der er mange paralleller til optakten til Anden Verdenskrig, hvor fascisterne tog magten gennem propaganda og overgreb, økonomien gik til bunds på grund af bland andet bankerne og eskalerende konflikter.

Propagandaen, som benyttes denne gang, er i stort omfang klimadebatten. Til trods for at vi ikke har haft nogen målelig global opvarmning de sidste ca. 17 år, så kan vi næste ... Full Article ...
2014-04-09 - 623 - Charles Moore, The Telegraph, 2014-04-06

Most of us pay some attention to the weather forecast. If it says it will rain in your area tomorrow, it probably will. But if it says the same for a month, let alone a year, later, it is much less likely to be right. There are too many imponderables.

The theory of global warming is a gigantic weather forecast for a century or more. However interesting the scientific inquiries involved, therefore, it can have almost no value as a prediction. Yet it is as a prediction that global warming (or, as we are now ordered to call it in the face of a stubbornly parky 21st century, “global weirding”) has captured the political and bureaucratic elites. All the action plans, taxes, green levies, protocols and carbon-emitting flights to massive summit meetings, after all, are not because of what its supporters call “The Science”. Proper science studies what is – which is, in principle, knowable – and is consequently very cautious about the future – which isn’t. No, they are the result of a belief that something big and bad is going to hit us one of these days. ... Full Article ...
2014-02-07 - 622 - Lord Christopher Monckton

His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales,
Clarence House, London.

Candlemas, 2014

Your Royal Highness’ recent remarks describing those who have scientific and economic reason to question the Establishment opinion on climatic apocalypse in uncomplimentary and unroyal terms as “headless chickens” mark the end of our constitutional monarchy and a return to the direct involvement of the Royal Family, in the Person of our future king, no less, in the cut and thrust of partisan politics. ... Full Article ...
2014-01-30 - 621 -

An estimated 2,500 demonstrators braved the cold and snow yesterday evening was protesting against the pending partial sale of state-owned energy provider DONG (Danish Oil and Natural Gas) to US investment firm Goldman Sachs.

Parliament's Finance Committee is set to vote on the controversial deal today. If it pass, Goldman Sachs will take a 19 percent stake in DONG at a cost of eight billion kroner or USD 1,500,000,000.

READ MORE: Goldman Sachs wasn't highest DONG bidder

An online petition against the Goldman Sachs deal has reached over 190,000 signatures. The sale is expected to pass, but all eyes politically will be on Socialistisk Folkeparti. The party is meeting tonight about the DONG deal and some within the party are ... Full Article ...
2014-01-28 - 620 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Ikke alene har politikerne sørget for dyre EL priser og dyrere brændstof; men vil nu også sørge for at vi ikke længere kommer til at bestemmeover vores egen energipolitik, ved at sælge DONG til Goldman Sachs. Adgang til billig, stabil og rigelig energi er alt afgørende for den danske velfærd.

Du kan måske hindre dette og få politikerne til at handle i folkets interesse, ved at deltage i demonstration tirsdag den 28. januar kl. 16:30 på Rådhuspladsen i København. Fra Rådhuspladsen vil det gå i fakkeltog til Christiansborg Slotsplads. Tag gerne en fakkel med.

Se yderligere om demonstrationen på Schiller Institutets hjemmeside.
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2013-12-31 - 619 - Carl Friis-Hansen

Chris Turney has been been confronted with the irony that they are trapped in so much ice when we have global global warming (except for the last 15 years). One of his explanations are: “There's a misconception here – we are not trapped in new ice that's been created because its cold,” said Turney. “This is very old, thick ice that's been re-mobilised. It was attached to another part of the continent and has broken out and, with the south-easterly winds we've had, has pushed it up against the coast … and pinned us in. The event is likely to be a result of long-term climate change that is happening in this part of the world. When the 120 km-long iceberg, B09B, came through the area a few years ago it knocked the tongue off the nearby Mertz glacier, which itself is 120 km long. The iceberg grounded on the sea bed in Commonwealth Bay causing the sea around it to lock up with ice attached to the continent."

His explanation is probably fine and plausible, but it d ... Full Article ...
2013-12-29 - 618 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Sidste opdatering 2014-01-03

Krydstogtskibet Akademik Shokalskiy, som skulle vise resultatet af Global Opvarmning for skatteborgernes penge, har nu siddet fast i 3 meter tyk havis siden mandag den 23. december. Flere isbrydere er på vej til at hjælpe; men den nærmeste isbryder, den kinesiske Xue Long eller Snedrage, sidder nu også fast 6 sømil fra Akademik Shokalskiy og 1500 sømil syd for Hobart. En fransk isbryder, som er 14 sømil fra den kinesiske, er også på vej; men ifølge officererne på den kinesiske isbryder, er der lille sandsynlighed for at den kan nå fem.

Akademik Shokalskiy
Arkivfoto - Der er 48 passagerer og 20 besætningmedlemmer ombord på Akademik Shokalskiy.

Til trods for at det er forår på den sydlige halvkugle, så er det de sidste år blevet koldere på Antarktis og dette kombineret med en pludselig koldfront, har medført usædvanlig tyk is langt fra fastlandet. Akademik Shokalskiy regner med at den forventede hjemkomst til New Zeeland den 4. januar, vil blive overholdt ifølge ekspeditions lederen Chris Turney.

Chris Turney har grundlagt et firma til løsning af kultveilte i atmosfæren og laver en hel masse grønne biprodukter. Formålet med krydstogtet er at vise virkningen af den globale opvarmning. Til trods for at denne ekspedition hovedsagelig har til formål at lave PR for Chris Turney's grønne firma, så er dette krydstogt finansieret af skatteborgerne. Nu kommer så dertil udgifter til assistance fra flere isbrydere.

Russia Today
The Guardian

For opdateringer: ... Full Article ...
2013-12-02 - 617 - Carl Friis-Hansen

En af de mest indflydelsesrige aviser Frankfurter Allgeimeine Zeitung, FAZ, kritiserer lederen af klima forskningsinstituttet i Potsdam, Professor Schellnhuber, meget kraftigt. Se den engelske udgave af artiklen.

I det hele taget er pipen ved at få en anden lyd i det meste af Europa og 132 lande sagde farvel og tobak til de mislykkede forhandlinger i Warszawa, da de ikke umiddelbart fik de milliarder de havde forventet fra de rige lande. Polen fyrede miljøministeren, da de ikke vil være med til det øvrige Europas økonomiske selvmordstendenser.

Langsomt ser det ud til at selv de store aviser begynder at se sandheden i øjnene - at vi ikke har haft nogen statisk betydningsfuld opvarmning de sidste 15 år eller mere - isbjørnetallet er steget fra 5.000 i 50'ne til 32.000 i 2012 - den ... Full Article ...
2013-11-22 - 615 - Carl Friis-ansen

In an article November 21st 2013 on titled "Russian sperm bank for bears: Surrogate grizzly to carry polar cubs" , the argument for the experiment is "...the polar bear population has been declining dramatically year by year...". WWF is fairly correct though in stating that the world wide population is around 25,000. However, in reality the population world wide has steadily increased from around 5,000 in the 1950's to between 22,600 and 32,000 today. ... Full Article ...
2013-11-16 - 614 -

Das Ziel der Klimahysterie - Die große Transformation This is part 11/11 in a series on German TV, which is now available on Youtube. Duration is 1h 18m and mainly in German. It explains some of the origins of the climate hysteria and what the objectives are, objectives that is also expressed in the UN IPCC Agenda 21.
Thanks to Dr. Fred Goldberg for pointing this video out.

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2013-11-15 - 613 - Carl Friis-Hansen,

bat Just read that there were 600,000 bats killed by wind turbines last year. Somehow wind park owners has succeeded in exemption from persecution for this criminal act.

In fact, bats are protected and the penalty is very severe with up to 5,000 Pound fine per incident or bat, up to six months in prison, and forfeiture of items used to commit the offense, e.g. vehicles, plants or machinery.
Data according to: Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) (as amended); the Countryside and Rights of Way Act, 2000; the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (NERC, 2006); and by the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2010).

So if my calculations are right, wind park owners should face fines of 3,000,000,000 Pound, have their wind turbines secured against any future danger to the bats or be ordered to decommission the wind turbines, and finally the owners should be sent to jail. ... Full Article ...
2013-11-14 - 612 - Carl Friis-Hansen

Rusland og mange af de tidligere Sovjetunion lande er sjokkerede over at FN ignorerer enhver form for demokrati og benytter "consensus" i stedet, formodentlig et af de mest absurde ord i forbindelse med Global Opvarmning. Europe vil heller ikke være med til nogen traktat, men har derimod skrevet under på en deklaration, der går ud på at klimapolitikken skal revideres.

Fakta bør ikke komme i vejen for god propaganda, som for eksempel denne journalist under en debat på CNN: Climate Change advocate tells Piers Morgan it’s ‘journalistic malpractice’ to include ‘skeptics’ in the discussion.

Dr. Roy Spencer forsøger at forklare ot den meget omtalte 97% enighed blandt ekspertenerne er meget misvisende. Ja, der 97%, hvis ikke snarere 100%, enighed om at klimaet er blevetvarmere, ikke mindst siden ... Full Article ...
2013-11-12 - 611 -

Da mere end 50.000 begejstrede polakker samledes i downtown Warszawa mandag for at fejre National Independence Day, med millioner flere der kigger med på live tv, blev CFACT præsident David Rothbard inviteret på scenen for at levere en lidenskabelig adresserende frihed og advarsel mod FNs farlige og undertrykkende klima dagsordenen.
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2013-11-10 - 610 - Suzanne Hamner, freedomoutpost 2013-11-02

Obama's Global Warming Folly On Friday, Obama signed an executive order that instructs federal agencies to work with state and local governments to boost preparations for the impact of global warming. Obama's war on coal has threatened one sixth of America's electrical output by placing 150 coal-burning power plants on the chopping block – all due to global warming. Citing global warming has already having an effect on communities and public health across the nation, Obama directed infrastructure projects to take into consideration future climate conditions which naturally could result in a higher price tag for new projects or repairs to already existing structures. However, new scientific evidence has surfaced that "the solar activity is decreasing at the fastest rate as anytime in the last 10,000 years."

Environmentalist Lawrence Solomon wrote in the Financial Post, "Now an increasing number of scientists are swinging back to the thinking of the 1960s and 1970s. The global cooling hypothesis may have been right after all, they say Earth may be entering a new Little Ice Age."
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2013-11-07 - 609 - Carl Friis-Hansen

There is much talk about wind mills, solar electric panels, carbon dioxide, and a global body to control us and our energy. President Obama is going to Warsaw in Poland for a more less secret meeting with the UN, bypassing the democratic process, in order to set up a global binding treaty to control the climate, de-industrialize the planet and to reduce world population to about one tenth of what we are today - a la Agenda 21.

So while the greens are making the world a lot less green and sending us way below the living standards of the Dark Ages, let us look at a brighter and much more promising solution to energy, economy and prosperity. In my view, the basis for prosperity and a better world is cheap, clean and plentiful energy. Energy is what made it possible to raise from the Dark Ages and slavery. The venture pretty much started in Great Britain and soon spread all over the now industrialized parts of the world.

Energy has always played the major p ... Full Article ...
2013-10-23 - 608 -

Rate Of Warming YT In this 15 min clip, Lord Monckton gives Pachauri a serious showdown on the legendary Global Warming graph, which was supposed to visualize bogus accelerating rate of warming, using inadmissible artwork on the graph. ... Full Article ...
2013-10-03 - 607 - Piers Corbyn, ICECAP, WeatherAction
Piers Corbyn
"This report and the build-up to it is a carefully choreographed self-referencing political game by Climate Change parasites which contains nothing of substance and is constructed to conceal the facts:

ALL THE DIRE PREDICTIONS of the CO2 warmists since 2000 have failed.

THE “ADMISSION” of ‘a pause in warming’ over the last 15 years is itself a cover-up for the fact that ONLY THEIR FRAUDULENT DATA shows any ‘warming’ at all in the period.

THEIR CLAIM that this pause was “something we (CO2 warmists) expected” is a brazen lie. They expected ‘runaway warming’.

THEIR STATEMENT that the world has warmed over the last 30 years or so is merely an expression of the natural solar-lunar 60yr cycle of temperatures (and Pacific circulation) explained by WeatherActio ... Full Article ...
2013-09-27 - 606 - Lord Christopher Monckton, WorldNetDaily

Sydney, Australia – It’s official. What I was howled down and banned for telling the recent U.N. climate conference in Doha is true. There has been no global warming for 17 years.

Rajendra Pachauri, the railroad engineer who heads the U.N.’s accident-prone climate panel, the IPCC, recently admitted this fact here in Australia.

The Hadley/CRU temperature record shows no warming for 18 or 19 years. RSS satellites show none for 23 years. Not one computer model predicted that.

Pachauri said the zero trend would have to persist for 30-40 years before it mattered. Scientists disagree. In 2008 the modelers wrote that more than 14 years without global warming would indicate a “discrepancy” between their predictions and reality. By their own criterion, they have grossly, persistently, profitably exaggerated manmade warming.

The 17-year flatline gives Australia’s $180,000-a-year, part-time climate kommissar, Tim Flannery, a problem. In January he crowed that extreme weather like Sydney’s recent heatwave had been predicted for decades.

Skeptics, he wailed, continued to ignore the thousands of hot-weather records tumbling worldwide. Yet without statistically significant warming for nigh on two decades, recent extreme weather cannot be blamed on global warming.

Warming that was predicted yesterday but has not happened for up to 23 years until today cannot have caused yesterday’s “droughts and flooding rains,” now, can it?

Flannery relentlessly gives only one side of the story when it is his duty to give both. He is carefully silent about the thousands of cold-weather records that have also tumbled in recent years – more than 650 this week in the U.S. alone.

The Northern Hemisphere is enduring one of its coldest winters in 100 years. Before the usual suspects try to blame that too on global warming, the IPCC says – unsurprisingly – that warmer weather means less snow.

Sea-ice extent in the Arctic has reached a record high for this time of year, despite a record low last summer. In the Antarctic, sea ice has been increasing for 33 years.

There will be further extreme weather in the coming decades. It will not matter whether the world warms or cools. Extreme weather is not the new normal. It is the old normal – but the new slogan.

The best-kept secret in climate science is that extreme weather, or “tipping points,” will be no likelier if the planet warms than if it cools. For the climate behaves as a chaotic object. What mathematicians call “bifurcations” can occur at any time. ... Full Article ...
2013-09-25 - 605 - Carl Friis-Hansen, Alex Newman
Alex Newman skriver på ICECAP: Da FN forbereder sig på at frigive sin seneste rapport om "klimaændringer" lækkede dokumenter for nylig, af Associated Press, viser at Obama-administrationen og andre regeringer presser FN Mellemstatslige Panel for Klima (IPCC) til at dække over det faktum, at "global opvarmning" i al væsentlighed er ophørt de sidste 16 år. De eksplosive åbenbaringer, allerede beskrevet som "ClimateGate II" i pressen, kommer midt i et koordineret forsøg på at genoplive det svigtede forsøg på at vedtage et internationalt carbon regime i de kommende år. ... Full Article ...
2013-09-08 - 604 - Carl Friis-Hansen

Tag for eksempel et par nye overskrifter så som: "Global warming? No, actually we’re cooling, claim scientists A cold Arctic summer has led to a record increase in the ice cap, leading experts to predict a period of global cooling" fra Daily Telegraph eller "Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year with top scientists warning of global COOLING" fra Daily Mail. Selv for australierne kommer bøtten til at vende, efter valget af den nye statsminister, som siger - letter omskrevet - at klimaændring er noget vrøvl og han vil se at få Australien ud af den misære den tidligere regering har forvoldt i deres blinde tro på Al Gore og andre charlataner. ... Full Article ...
2013-08-27 - 603 - Carl Friis-Hansen

For 197 år siden grundlage David Young en formel, der benytter solpletter, månebevægelse og planet stillinger, til at forudsige vejret. Statistisk set siges det at denne almanak er 80% korrekt. Sidste år var den forskudt et par dage. Det er formodentlig lidt den samme teknik, som Piers Corbyn fra England benytter i vore dage med sin simple PC.

Tilbage til den amerikanske "Farmers' Almanac". Caleb Weatherbee, der er prognosticator for publikationen, siger at det skulle blive særdeles koldt i de nordøstlige egne af USA omkring det tidspunkt hvor Super Bowl bliver spillet på MetLife Stadium i Meadowlands i New Jersey. Koldere vinter end normalt for to tredjedele af landet og kraftig snefald for Nidwest, Great Lakes og New England.

Reference: ... Full Article ...
2013-08-24 - 602 - Carl Friis-Hansen

IPCC holder pressekonference fredag den 27. september 2013 i Stockholm, en pressekonference der er censureret eller forbeholdt specielt indbudte. Pressekonferencen, hvis man da virkelig kan kalde den sådan, omhandler Summary for Policymakers. Dette sammendrag for politikerne, er selvfølgelig også denne gang ved at blive færdiggjort lang tid før den videnskabelige rapport er færdiggjort. ... Full Article ...
2013-08-23 - 601 - By Paul Driessen, NetRightDaily
It’s amazing that minuscule bacteria can cause life-threatening diseases and infections — and miraculous that tiny doses of vaccines and antibiotics can safeguard us against these deadly scourges. It is equally incredible that, at the planetary level, carbon dioxide is a miracle molecule for plants — and the “gas of life” for most living creatures on Earth.
In units of volume, CO2’s concentration is typically presented as 400 parts per million (400 ppm). Translated, that’s just 0.04 percent of Earth’s atmosphere — the equivalent of 40 cents out of one thousand dollars, or 1.4 inches on a football field. Even atmospheric argon is 23 times more abundant: 9,300 ppm. Moreover, the 400 ppm in 2013 is 120 ppm more than the 280 ppm CO2 level of 1800, and that two-century increase is equivalent to a mere 12 cents out of $1,000, or one half-inch on a football field.
Eliminate carbon dioxide, and terrestrial plants would die, as would lake and ocean phytoplankton, grasses, kelp and other water plants. After that, animal and human life would disappear. Even reducing CO2 levels too much — back to pre-industrial levels, for example — would have terrible consequences.
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2013-08-22 - 600 - Dr. Tim Ball, August 18 2013,
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) never followed the scientific method. They inferred the hypothesis that an increase in atmospheric CO2 due to human activities would inevitably cause a rise in global temperature. They set out to prove this when they should have tried to disprove it in what Popper calls “falsification.” Over at least the last 15 years global temperature has leveled and declined while CO2 levels continue to increase. What is actually happening is in contradiction to their hypothesis and essentially impossible according to the conclusion in their 2007 Report.

Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic GHG concentrations. It is likely that there has been significant anthropogenic warming over the past 50 years averaged over each continent (except Antarctica).

Despite this on 16 Aug Reuters news agency reported:

“Drafts seen by Reuters of the study by the U.N. panel of experts, due to be published next month, say it is at least 95 percent likely that human activities – chiefly the burning of fossil fuels – are the main cause of warming since the 1950s.”
They’re talking about a change in the next Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) or Assessment Report 5. (AR5). It is significant because it is an increase from the 2007 Fourth Report (FAR) when they were >90 % certain.

If accurate, this claim is made in the face of evidence that their hypothesis is wrong. Perhaps it is explained by the recent comment by a leading member of the IPCC. He effectively said, failed proof of the hypothesis doesn’t matter because,

“Proof is for mathematical theorems and alcoholic beverages. It’s not for science.” ... Full Article ...
2013-08-17 - 599 - Carl Friis-Hansen
På et politisk møde i Las Vegas forleden dag, udtalte Arnold: "Strap some conservative-thinking people to a tailpipe for an hour and then they will agree it’s a pollutant!" Arnold Schwarzenegger
Jeg tvivler på at man overhovedet overlever en hel time og det ikke på grund af CO2 udslippet, men på grund af CO udslippet. Det er også lidt ironisk at den gode østriger griber til samme idealer, som en anden tidligere regeringschef benyttede under Anden Verdenskrig, for at blive af med sine politiske modstandere.

Okay, Arnold mener det vel ikke så bogstaveligt og han har vel heller ikke hørt efter i biologi timerne i folkeskolen, eller der er bare tale om idiotiske politiske floskler - hvad ved jeg?
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2013-08-17 - 598 - Paul Driessen
Paul Driessen Tiny amounts of this miracle molecule make life on Earth possible

Paul Driessen

It’s amazing that minuscule bacteria can cause life-threatening diseases and infections – and miraculous that tiny doses of vaccines and antibiotics can safeguard us against these deadly scourges. It is equally incredible that, at the planetary level, carbon dioxide is a miracle molecule for plants – and the “gas of life” for most living creatures on Earth.

In units of volume, CO2’s concentration is typically presented as 400 parts per million (400 ppm). Translated, that’s just 0.04% of Earth’s atmosphere – the equivalent of 40 cents out of one thousand dollars, or 1.4 inches on a football field. Even atmospheric argon is 23 times more abundant: 9,300 ppm. Moreover, the 400 ppm in 2013 is 120 ppm more than the 280 ppm carbon dioxide level of 1800, and that two-century increase is equivalent to a mere 12 cents out of $1,000, or one half-inch on a football field.

Eliminate carbon dioxide, and terrestrial plants would die, as would lake and ocean phytoplankton, grasses, kelp and other water plants. After that, animal and human life would disappear. Even reducing CO2 levels too much – back to pre-industrial levels, for example – would have terrible consequences. ... Full Article ...
2013-08-11 - 597 - Benny Peiser, The Australian
As country after country abandons, curtails or reneges on once-generous support for renewable energy, Europe is beginning to realise that its green energy strategy is dying on the vine. Green dreams are giving way to hard economic realities.

Solar panel
Slowly but gradually, Europe is awakening to a green energy crisis, an economic and political debacle that is entirely self-inflicted.

The mainstream media, which used to encourage the renewables push enthusiastically, is beginning to sober up too. With more and more cracks beginning to appear, many newspapers are returning to their proper role as the fourth estate, exposing the pitfalls of Europe’s green-energy gamble and opening their pages for thorough analysis and debate. Today, European media is full of news and commentary about the problems of an ill-conceived strategy that is becoming increasingly shaky and divisive. ... Full Article ...
2013-08-11 - 596 - Carl Friis-Hansen
"Hvis du fortæller en stor nok løgn og bliver ved med at gentage den, vil folk til sidst komme til at tro den. Løgnen kan kun opretholdes, så længe staten kan beskytte folk fra de politiske, økonomiske og/eller militære konsekvenser af løgnen. Det bliver således af afgørende betydning for staten at anvende alle sine beføjelser til at undertrykke uenighed. Sandheden er den dødelige fjende af løgnen og derfor er sandheden statens største fjende."

Hitlers ungdomsindoktrinering
Dette er et citat fra Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels. Måske kan du se en sammenhæng med den nuværende klimadebat. Hr. Goebbels var faktisk dygtig til sit job, som han udøvede i årene 1933 til 1945, hvor han også fik stablet Hitler Jugend på benene. Hitlerjugend kan sammenlignes med vore dages World Wildlife Fund (WWF) og Greenpeace, som propaganderer gennem skoler, universiteter o ... Full Article ...
2013-08-06 - 595 - Carl Friis-Hansen
The Green party does not think they have done enough damage in the name of the non-existent problem of Anthropogenic Global Warming. The party will now have all the office canteens enforce a "voluntary" face-out of meat. One of the excuses used the politicians make, is that cows must their horns cut off to compensate for limited space!?
However, Germany has begun to make resistance to the Greenies and their terror against western industry, fossil fuels, hamburgers with ham and AGW. Many prominent scientists now write papers pulling the AGW theory totally apart and others are making serious talks about Glass-Steagall, like in this article: Germany Imposing a Glass-Steagall-Like Act with Teeth from Armstrong Economics.
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2013-07-29 - 594 - Carl Friis-Hansen
As I was reading a new paper published in Quaternary Research about how small changes the Sun's activity may effect weather and climate, a thought hit me. Before I tell about my thought, let me say that scientists in this area will probably laugh and say that this is basic knowledge.   Let us say the Sun changes 1% in total radiance, I would assume one should assume a forcing in temperature range of 1% of the absolute global mean temperature. Let's say the global mean temperature is 15°C or 273+15=288°K. Thus, 1% of 288°K ~ 2.9°C. Long term changes, has to be an integral dependent on the thermal time constant of particular the oceans, less than 2.9°C would give an idea of the negative feed back gain.   That's it, just a thought from a novice within this area.   Update July 31st 2013 - The 0°C to °K value corrected, sorry.   ... Full Article ...
2013-07-29 - 593 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Daniel Otega, president of Nicuragua is currently inviting Edward Swowden, the freedom fighter or whistle-blower who is currently releasing documents and information originating from his former work in the US National Security Agency (NSA). But what has this to do with Global Warming, Climate Change or whatever you call it these days?
Club Of Rome was formed in 1968 at Accademia dei Lincei in Rome by the Morgenthau Group with the purpose of accelerating the plans to have a New World Order in place by the year 2000. In 1976, the United States Association of the Club of Rome (USACOR) was formed with the purpose of gradually shutting down the U.S. economy. The fundamental idea was, and still is, that national sovereignty must be replaced by an all controlling World Government. This was later detailed in the UN Agenda-21 and attempted constituted during COP-15 December 2009, but was stopped largely due to revelation d ... Full Article ...
2013-07-19 - 592 - Someone
3 columns There are many ways to see this here, but the most important is that it stays correct in the right way. There is not much to say about this, except that there is no way back back to the safe environment. Once upon a time there was a little house in the big wood with all the many elephants. 2 columns Der er mange modes to see this here, but the most important is that it stays correct in the right way There is not much to say about this, except that there is no way back back to the safe environment.
Here is the CSS code used in the above For 3 columns: ... Full Article ...
2013-07-17 - 591 - Carl Friis-Hansen
En samling frivillige har nu samlet ca. 500 af de de bedste dokumenter vedrørende energi og elkraft produktion. Hidtil har det været lidt af en jungle, når man ville hente oplysninger om EL-produktion, distribution, forbrug og rationale omkring disse emner, så som miljø påvirkning, økonomi og tekniske detaljer.
Det råder nu bod på. Det er en simpel website med en god inddeling af artikler og dokumenter i de mange forskellige kategorier. Denne site er sat på benene af AWED (Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions) eller på dansk "Alliance med henblik på Kloge Energi Beslutninger".
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2013-07-01 - 590 - Carl Friis-Hansen
Natural Resources Defense Council, NRDC, provides a tool on their website, where you can enter your ZIP code and see how bad everything is at that location - caused by climate change of cause. Below I have taken a few sample. It is interesting to see how "too much CO2" has made it both hotter, colder, dryer and wetter at the same time. Luckily president Obama have just put new rules to stop the weather from behaving badly. ... Full Article ...
2013-06-28 - 589 - Carl Friis-Hansen
På den brittiske ø Isles of Harris havde 40 fugleinteresserede samlet sig for at se en tornhalesejler, der var indtruffet på øen. Efter at have betragtet fuglen i to timer, kom den for tæt på en vindturbine og blev ramt af et af bladene. Tornhalesejlere har i Storbritannien kun været observeret 8 gange de sidste 170år. Den sidste observation, bortset fra det tragiske tilfælde i går, var i 1991.
White-throated needletail, Hirundapus caudacutus, tornhalesejler
Foto: Birds Of The World
Kilde: The Telegraph 27. juni 2013
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2013-06-23 - 588 - Carl Friis-Hansen, Joanne Nova
Danmark formår at få 10% af den elektriske energi fra vindmøller, grundet vores naboers evne til at yde kompensation, når der leveres for meget og for lidt energi fra møllerne. Til trods for dette ideelle arrangement, så får vi alligevel 1,8milliarder kroner mindre ind på national budgettet, end hvis de ansatte i vindmølleindustrien havde været ansat andet steds. Ovenstående kommer fra CEPOS 2009. Yderligere udredning og reference kan ses her... ... Full Article ...
2013-06-23 - 587 - Mark Beeunas
Taken from comment on WUWT:
The primary fuels we have were provided by Mother Nature, and she did the dirty work for us millions and billions of years ago. The energy provided in hydrocarbon fuels are the result of photosynthesis from solar energy and for nuclear fuels from supernovae.   To “design new fuels” from whole cloth will be an environmental disaster many times anything realized from the production of our current primary fuels.   It took 100’s of millions of years and millions of cubic kilometers of ocean water, and photosynthesis to deposit 100’s to 1000’s of feet of organic rich sediments in basins across the globe. These organic rich sediments where then buried by solar energy. Yes, solar energy evaporated the water from the seas and lifted it 10,000 plus feet into the mountains and the rains formed river that carried the sediments to the oceans and deeply bu ... Full Article ...

12 Fakta Om Global Klimaændring Du Ikke Læser I Den Populære Presse

Et par forord fra Carl Friis-Hansen

Når Joseph D'Aleo taler om, at forskellige drivhusgasser varmer eller opvarmer, så er det væsentligt at understrege, at der er tale om energioverførsel med en lille tvist. Hvis spektrummet af bølgelængder fra Solen var uforandret, når dens energi reflekteres tilbage fra Jorden, så ville drivhusgasserne medføre en reduktion af opvarmning af Jorden. Imidlertid bliver noget af Solens energi ændret fra kortbølget energi til langbølget energi. Da nogle atmosfæriske gasser isolerer bedre for langbølget energi end for kortbølget, så kalder vi disse for drivhusgasser. Drivhusgasserne vil, på grund af denne ændring fra kort til langbølget energi, have tendens til at isolere bedre for den udgående energi end den indgående energi. Disse faktorer er velkendte inden for atmosfærisk fysik, men på grund af den enorme kompleksitet af hele biosfæren, er der ingen der med sikkerhed kan sige, hvordan den samlede effekt er. Observationer kan dog hjælpe til en bedre forståelse.
  1. Temperaturer er gået ned siden 2002, selv medens kultveilte er fortsat stigende.
  2. Kultveilte er en sporegas og vil i sig selv ikke producere megen varme. Iøvrigt, efterhånden som CO2 øger, falder den stigende varmeforøgelse, idet effekten er logaritmisk, så jo mere CO2, desto mindre forøget opvarmning producerer den.
  3. CO2 har været totalt uden relation til temperatur i det sidste årti og betydelig negativ siden 2002.
  4. CO2 er ikke en forurener, men en naturligt forekommende gas. Tilsammen med klorofyl og sollys, er det en essentiel ingrediens i fotosyntese og er således en planteføde.
  5. Rekonstruktion af global CO2 koncentrationer over geologisk tid demonstrerer at kultveilte koncentrationen i dag er nær den laveste siden Cambria tiden for omkring 550 millioner år siden, da der var næsten 20 gange så meget Co2 i atmosfæren, som der er idag, uden at dette forårsagede en "løbsk drivhuseffekt".
  6. Temperaturændringer kommer før, ikke efter, CO2 ændringer ved alle tidsperioder. Havene kan spille en hovedrolle, udsendende kultveilte når de er varme, ligesom en sodavan mister brusen, når den varmer og absorberer CO2 når de køler.
  7. Den meste varme i klimamodellerne stammer fra antagelsen at vanddamp og nedbør stiger, efterhånden som temperaturen går op, en stærk positiv tilbagekobling (medkobling). Vanddamp er en langt mere betydningsfuld drivhusgas end CO2. Imidlertid er denne antagelse blevet modbevist gennem observationer og peerreviewed forskning. I realiteten reagerer vanddamp og nedbør med negativ tilbagekobling (modkobling) og reducerer således enhver beskeden drivhuseffekt fra kultveilte.
  8. Drivhusmodellerne viser at opvarmningen skulle være størst omkring midterste til øvre lag i atmosfæren i de tropiske egne. Men vejrballoner og satellit observationer viser køling her. Drivhus signaturen eller DNA svarer ikke til virkeligheden og drivhusmodellerne vil derfor vise overdreven opvarmning - CO2 ville således i en reel retssag blive frikendt fra enhver rolle i global opvarmning.
  1. Solen har både direkte og indirekte effekt på vores klima. Solaktivitet skifter over en periode på 11 år eller længere. Når solen er mere aktiv er den lysere og en smule varmere. Mere væsentlig er dog dens indirekte effekt. Ultraviolet stråling øger meget mere end det synlige lys og forårsager øget ozon produktion, hvilket genererer varme i den øvre atmosfæren, hvorefter varmen bevæger sig nedad mod jorden for sluttelig at påvirke vejret. Derudover, en aktiv sol spreder kosmisk stråling, som spiller en betydelig rolle i formeringen af lavthængende skyer, resulterende i færre skyer. På alle disse måder varmes planeten mere når Solen er aktiv. En aktiv Sol i 1930'erne og igen i slutningen af sidste århundrede hjalp med til at producere de observerede varmeperioder. Den nuværende solperiode er den længste i over 100 år, et umiskendeligt tegn på en køligere sol, som ifølge historiske data vil forblive sådan i årtier.
  2. Multidacadal (mange årtier) perioder i havene falder vældig godt sammen med solperioder og globale temperaturer. Disse perioder på 60 til 70 år følger naturlige variationer i de omfangsrige havstrømme. Varme have falder sammen med varme globale temperaturer. Stillehavet startede en afkøling i slutningen af 90'erne og denne køling accelererede i 2009 og Atlanterhavet har kølet siden sit maksimum i 2004. Dette støtter den observerede globale land temperatur køling, som følger meget nært med varmeindholdet i havene. De nyligt udsatte N.O.A.A. bøjer bekræfter at havene køler.
  3. Varmere havperioder er perioder med formindsket Arktisk isdække. Når havene var varme i 1920'erne til 1950'erne så mindskedes Arktisk is og Grønland varmede. Den seneste hav opvarmning, specielt i 1980'erne til tidlig 2000'er, er tilsvarende til hvad der fandt sted for 70 år siden og den Arktiske is har reageret på stort set samme måde, med mindre sommer is.
  4. Antarktisk is er øget og mængden af is var sidste år den største i satellit overvågningens historie. Vi går imod en ny rekord i år.
Hvad skal der til for at medierne giver slip på deres påvirkning og begynder at gøre deres job, at rapportere sandheden?

Joseph D'Aleo (Hoveddirektør for Icecap).
Oversat af Karl J. Hansen,
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