With data from Berkeley I made some graphs with trend lines for some weather stations in Denmark. It is interesting to see that they all show a trend of about 0.36C per century. Wonder where IPCCs about 10 times trend comes from? At a first glance I do not see any terrifying "global" warming in Denmark.
GNU-plot Kastrup Airport station id 154572 temperature trend 0.37C/century
GNU-plot Karup Airport station id 154590 temperature trend 0.36C/century
GNU-plot Billund Airport station id 154577 temperature trend 0.35C/century
Update 22nd December 2015
I ceated some more plots for random cities around the World:
Update 27th December 2015
It has been difficult to find something that approaches raw data files. I got the data from here.
The file I downloaded has these properties:
LATEST - Quality Controlled.zip 201MB (200 989 604 bytes)
From the ZIP I used the data.txt file 654.4MB which has following head:
% File Generated: 15-Nov-2013 16:25:47 % Dataset Collection: Berkeley Earth Merged Dataset - version 2 % Type: TAVG - Monthly % Version: LATEST - Quality Controlled % Dataset Hash: 67a656aa1b14deb35b5bcc9edebe9fca % % ------------------------------------ % % This file is a plain text export of a portion of the temperature data contained % in Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Analysis.
At this point I am not sure how "doctored" the data are, if at all, but will ask around for more information.
The plots are generated in three steps:
The script extract.php:
#!/usr/bin/php5 echo 'Extracting station ID ' . $argv[1] . ' to ' . $argv[2] . PHP_EOL; echo '-----------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL; if (file_exists ($argv[2])) { unlink ($argv[2]); } $f = fopen ('data.txt', "r"); while (!feof($f)) { $line = fgets($f, 4096); if (substr($line, 0, 1) != '%' && strlen ($line) --> 16) { list ($sid, $ids, $yea, $tmp, $prs, $oth) = explode ("\t", $line); if ($sid == $argv[1]) { file_put_contents ($argv[2], $yea . "\t" . $tmp . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); echo '.'; } } } fclose ($f); echo PHP_EOL . '-----------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL;
The plot script long.p:
#!/bin/sh txt=".txt" png=".png" gnuplot << EOF set term png size 930, 700 set output "$1$png" set autoscale # scale axes automatically unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set xtic auto # set xtics automatically set ytic auto # set ytics automatically set title "$1 gnuplot klimabedrag.dk" set xlabel "Year" set ylabel "°C" f(x) = a*x + b fit f(x) "$1$txt" using 1:2 via a,b titletrend = sprintf('Trend = %.2f°C/century', a*100) plot "$1$txt" using 1:2 with lines title "Monthly 1:2", f(x) title titletrend EOF
Are the data still available?
In case the data have disappeared from the Berkeley website, I may be able to provide you with a copy of my previous download, upon direct request.